Akademy 2016
Thursday, 1 September 2016
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
Arrived at Berlin for Akademy/QtCon 2016, too ;=)
Already met some other KDE & Kate people, lets see how the week goes.
Bug Triaging Guest Blog: The wandering bug triager was here
Friday, 12 August 2016
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
I was contacted by Buovjaga from the LibreOffice QA team to spread the word about the current bug triaging efforts going on.
Therefore now a short guest block about that ;=)
Thanks to Buovjaga for trying to get some public interest in this important aspect of open source work: handling our flood of bugs!
Free software needs more contributors from the non-coding user community. The problem is that there is no scientifically proven method for attracting them.
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What happened to Kate in Randa?
Friday, 8 July 2016
| Kåre Särs
This years topic for the Randa meeting, was multi-platform end-user application development. That was a golden opportunity to work on the Windows and Mac versions.
One thing that happened was that the icon.rcc file generation is moved to the breeze-icons repository in stead of doing it separately for every application. The icon.rcc file loading was moved to KIconThemes so that all applications linking to it don’t have to invent the wheel again. This would not have been so easy if we hadn’t been at the same place discussing things face to face.
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Bug fixed after 13 years
Friday, 17 June 2016
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
During the Randa sprint an 13 year old bug was fixed :P
I myself moved it to kxmlgui (out of Kate/KWrites’s harm, good to delegate stuff away :) in 2003 and since then we got a lot of duplicates but never somebody got the time to track it down. (333 votes for it, really nice number)
Now, after 13 years, it got done (and yet another chance that a bug becomes a sentient intelligence has vanished ;=)
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KDE Software for Windows & Chocolatey
Thursday, 16 June 2016
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
KDE applications providing Windows installers can now be additionally listed in the Chocolatey software repository on an dedicated KDE profile. If you want to be added to this profile with your application, contact
At the moment, you can find digiKam, Kate & Krita. The profile allows an quick overview about the KDE applications that are available.
This is a nice addition to the downloads provided via or the application homepages and increases the visibility of our applications on Windows.
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New Kate/KWrite Bundles for Mac
Thursday, 16 June 2016
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
I updated again the Kate/KWrite application bundles following the new guide on KDE on Mac.
With the same guide, other application developers should be able to create stand-alone application bundles for Mac OS X, too. Btw., the guide is on a wiki page, feel free to enhance the documentation, I doubt it is optimal ATM.
What needs to be solved to make it easier: At the moment, the guide uses a stock Qt as obtainable from but unfortunately, macdeployqt needs to be patched to deploy non-qt plugins
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Kate & Co. on Tour
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
We used the nice weather for some small trip near Randa between hacking ;=)
But beside getting a bit fresh air, we did other nice things like fixing together with David Faure of Frameworks fame the issue “how to get automagically icons loaded if you want to bundle them in your installer/app bundle”, see the change: “Add support for loading and using an icontheme in a RCC file automatically.”
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New Mac OS X Build Documentation
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
During the Mac OS X platform meeting here at Randa, the point was made that the current build documentation for Mac OS X is a bit lacking, as e.g. the steps to create an application bundle are only documented somewhere for Kate, Krita, KDevelop, … but in no central place.
I started to writeup a new howto at the page that utilizes emerge for the heavy lifting like the KDE Windows team uses it.
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New “Get It” page & “Build It” split out
Monday, 13 June 2016
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
As we now have some binaries available for Windows & Mac, I renovated the “Get It” page.
You now have there links to the latest versions of our binaries (installer for Windows & application bundle for Mac) beside the link to the distribution packages for Linux/BSD/* as provided by our dear packagers.
For building Kate from sources, we now have the building instructions on a separate “Build It” page.
We will try to update the binary builds in the next days at Randa.
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Kate/KWrite Application Bundle Update
Monday, 13 June 2016
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
I just created new bundles for Kate & KWrite.
By accident they are a bit large, as stuff as web engine is moved to the bundle, but they should work ;=)
How to create them?
mac.txt in kate.git shows how that works.
But you need a macqtdeploy with the patch for QTBUG-48836.
Download links:
Kate 16.07.70 KWrite 16.07.70 Thanks to the Randa meetup I got time for this, if you want to sponsor, click the image below ;)
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