Application Features

- View and edit multiple documents at the same time, by splitting horizontally and vertically the window
- Lot of plugins: Embedded terminal, SQL plugin, build plugin, GDB plugin, Replace in Files, and more
- Multi-document interface (MDI)
- Session support
General Features

- Encoding support (Unicode and lots of others)
- Bi-directional text rendering support
- Line ending support (Windows, Unix, Mac), including auto detection
- Network transparency (open remote files)
- Extensible through scripting
Advanced Editor Features

- Bookmarking system (also supported: break points etc.)
- Scroll bar marks
- Line modification indicators
- Line numbers
- Code folding
Syntax Highlighting

- Highlighting support for over 300 languages
- Bracket matching
- Smart on-the-fly spell checking
- Highlighting of selected words
Multi-select and multi-cursor features

- Create multiple cursors with your mouse or keyboard shortcuts
- Supports interactive edit, transformations (upper/lower case) and much more
Programming Features

- Scriptable auto indentation
- Smart comment and uncomment handling
- Auto completion with argument hints
- Vi input mode
- Rectangular block selection mode
Search & Replace

- Incremental search, also known as “find as you type”
- Support for multiline search & replace
- Regular expression support
- Search & replace in multiple opened files or files on disk
Backup and Restore

- Backups on save
- Swap files to recover data on system crash
- Undo / redo system