
Kate Fun Logo

Saturday, 8 June 2024 | Christoph Cullmann
G2 posted some fun logos for Kate on reddit. I think they are nice and flashy and well suited if you want to show your appreciation for Kate and like that art style and a good addition to our awesome icon and mascot. Static Version Animated Version Licensing G2 licensed these files under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Feel free to share the stuff with this license and credit for G2. Read More

Introducing the Formatting plugin

Monday, 13 May 2024 | Waqar Ahmed
So this is not quite an introduction since the plugin has been around for almost a year now, having been released in the 23.04 release but since I never got around to writing a blog about it, here I am. In simple words, the formatting plugin allows one to format code easily and quickly. Well the "quickness" depends on the underlying code formatter but we try to be as quick as possible. Read More

Kate KF6 Status

Tuesday, 12 December 2023 | Christoph Cullmann
Current state of the port Thanks to the help of our contributors the current state of Kate for the upcoming first Qt & KF 6 release looks very promising. This includes not just people working on Kate and KTextEditor/KSyntaxHighlighing, but all of KDE Frameworks and Qt. I now use the KF 6 based version both at work and home exclusively after we switched the master branch over to that. So far, beside the natural issues that can occur using a branch under active development, nothing really did stick out as a blocking issue. Read More

KDE e.V. Microsoft Store Statistics

Sunday, 30 April 2023 | Christoph Cullmann
Let's take a look at the current state of the KDE e.V. published applications in the Microsoft Store. Last 30 days statistics Here are the number of acquisitions for the last 30 days (roughly equal to the number of installations, not mere downloads) for our applications: KDE Connect - Enabling communication between all your devices - 11,640 acquisitions Okular - More than a reader - 9,100 acquisitions Kate - Advanced Text Editor - 3,000 acquisitions Read More

Introducing The Embedded Terminal on Windows

Wednesday, 15 February 2023 | Waqar Ahmed
Kate has been supported on Windows for a long time however, we missed one crucial feature on Windows that made it not as good as Kate on Linux. That feature was the built-in terminal. If you are a developer you might have to use the terminal a lot and having a built-in terminal inside your editor can be really helpful and convenient. With 23.04, we have filled this gap. After a hectic weekend of 20+ hours of hacking on a borrowed windows machine and sacrificing a lot of other things, Kate now has a built-in terminal on Windows as well. Read More

Using Kate's Git Features

Wednesday, 1 February 2023 | Waqar Ahmed
Git support in Kate landed almost 2 years ago but so far it is undocumented. I am writing this article in order to fill this gap and hopefully make more people aware of the git related features that Kate has. To be able to use git functionality you need to enable at least two plugins Project plugin (commit / status / branch compare / stashing / file history) Documents Plugin (file history) Git blame (git blame support) Once the project plugin is enabled and you are in a git repository, you will have the git toolview in your left sidebar: Read More

Treats for Kate - Welcome Page, Git Diff Viewer, Config Searching

Monday, 31 October 2022 | Eric Armbruster
It's Halloween and the Kate and KWrite 22.12 release is approaching, so its about time we give you another update what we've been working on. The Biggest Treat: Widgets So far Kate was only able to display code views in Kate's central view component. In the upcoming release, Kate can also place arbitrary Qt Widgets there, which required making some bigger changes under the hood. You might ask how is this relevant at all, to which we answer: this change enabled us to implement a treat bag of cool, new features. Read More

Kate - New Features - August 2022

Wednesday, 24 August 2022 | Christoph Cullmann
The 22.08 release of Kate hasn't arrived for many users yet, but we already have new cool stuff for upcoming releases. As our merge requests page shows, alone in August we got at least 66 new things done. Naturally that are not all new features, but bug fixes, too. Pablo Rauzy was nice enough to provide some short videos for the enhancements he contributed! Thanks a lot for that, and thanks to all people that helped to work out the merge requests he submitted. Read More

Kate 22.08

Sunday, 24 July 2022 | Christoph Cullmann
KDE Gear 22.08 Release in August Next month the KDE Gear 22.08 release will arrive. Kate and KWrite are released with that collection of KDE software. Thanks already to all people that make KDE Gear releases possible. I myself would not be able to release twice a year some proper version with patch releases, manage the i18n stuff, .... It is really a lot of work to get this done and I am very grateful to the KDE team members that take care of that! Read More

Kate ate KWrite

Thursday, 31 March 2022 | Christoph Cullmann
The current state up to KDE Gear 22.04 Kate & KWrite always existed as pair in the last 20 years. KWrite was there first, a SDI editor already shipped with very early KDE versions. Kate was started by me to have a MDI variant of KWrite. KWrite was kept untouched, more or less, over the last 20 years beside minor improvements and bug fixes. Naturally a lot features slipped in due to the fact that it uses KTextEditor as editor component. Read More