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MIT licensed KSyntaxHighlighting usage

Sunday, 21 October 2018  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet

With the KDE Frameworks 5.50 release, the KSyntaxHighlighting framework was re-licensed to the MIT license.

This re-licensing only covers the actual code in the library and the bundled themes but not all of the syntax highlighting definition data files.

One of the main motivation points was to get QtCreator to use this, if possible, instead of their own implementation of the Kate highlighting they needed to create in the past due to the incompatible licensing of KatePart at that time (and the impossibility to do a quick split/re-licensing of the parts in question).

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Support KDE via AmazonSmile

Sunday, 14 October 2018  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet
For quite some time, the KDE e.V. – KDE’s non-profit organization – is listed in the AmazonSmile program. On the AmazonSmile website it says:

AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers enjoy the same wide selection of products, […]. The difference is that when customers shop on AmazonSmile (, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by customers. Read More

Who is Hiring?

Sunday, 14 October 2018  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet
Just as quick info: For some time, there is a sticky thread on r/cpp about who is hiring C++ developers. This thread gets cleaned quarterly, so all the open jobs listed there are likely still open. The same was just started on reddit for r/Qt5: Who’s Hiring Qt Devs – Q4 2018: So if you are looking for either C++ or Qt jobs, this is a good place to have a look at from time to time. When I just looked for r/Qt5, the list was still empty, but this hopefully changes soon, given that the post was added just some hours ago. :-) Read More

Kate projects and out-of-source builds

Sunday, 19 August 2018  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet

During Akademy I once more was a bit disappointed how bad the project plugin of Kate can cope with out-of-source builds.

At work, we use in-source-builds, as we normally only build in one configuration and have no issues with left-overs in the source directories locally. For this use-case, the project plugin works really well. You have your project local terminal view and that allows you all normal things you need during work, e.g. building + using the git command line client for the version control work.

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Kate gains Support for Inline Notes

Friday, 17 August 2018  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet

Thanks to Michal Srb and Sven Brauch for pioneering the work an a new KTextEditor interface that allows applications like Kate, KDevelop, etc. to display inline notes in a text document. As demo, we quickly prototyped one application to display colors in CSS documents:

Clicking on the color rectangle will launch the color chooser:

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Akademy 2018 Wrap-Up

Friday, 17 August 2018  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet

The Akademy 2018 ends today.

Like each Akademy I attended, it was an interesting experience. As the location switches around each year, so does the set of people attending change every year, too.

That is actually nice, as you get always to meet some of your old “friends” but additionally new members of the KDE community. I think this kind of “conferences” or “meetings” are an important way to get some more cohesion in the community, which is sometimes a bit lacking between people only meeting online via mail/…

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Akademy & Binary Factory

Thursday, 16 August 2018  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet
During Akademy it was brought to my (and the other Kate developers) attention, that we should take a closer look on the Binary Factory for KDE. There were some blogs about the Binary Factory in the past but we somehow never really linked it on our homepage as potential source for up-to-date installers for the different operating systems. I feel a bit sorry for neglecting that area in the past year. Read More

Porting KTextEditor to KSyntaxHighlighting => Done :=)

Tuesday, 14 August 2018  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet

During Akademy there was finally enough time to finalize the porting of KTextEditor to KSyntaxHighlighting.

Thanks to the help of Dominik and Volker, the needed extensions to the KSyntaxHighlighting framework were done in no time ;=)

Thanks for that!

The branch for the integration was merged to master yesterday, unit tests look OK and I am using that state now for my normal coding work. Beside minor glitches that should now be corrected, no issues came up until now.

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Downloading Kate Highlighting Files

Tuesday, 14 August 2018  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet

Starting with the KDE Frameworks 5.50 release we decided to remove the capability in Kate/KTextEditor to download / update syntax highlighting files from the Kate homepage.

The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. The KTextEditor framework is released once a month, meaning that users who use latest KDE software usually anyways have the most recent versions. Other users who do not follow the latest development releases (like your mom) are likely not the target audience for downloading highlighting files.
  2. There are technical problems with only updating certain highlighting files, since it can lead to an inconsistent state when one highlighting file needs another one that was not updated or does not exist, or also if a highlighting file needs a certain indenter that does not yet exist or contains bugs.
  3. We have a nice small cleanup in the UI, since we have now one button less.

Git changes:

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Improving Syntax Highlighting Files

Saturday, 10 March 2018  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet

When building the KSyntaxHighlighting framework, the syntax highlighting xml files are compiled into the KSyntaxHighlighting library. In order to do so, we have a small little helper program that generates an index of all xml files. This indexer also validates the xml files against the XML Schema, and performs some more sanity checks.

Review request D10621 tries to extend the indexer even further and suggest optimizations for our highlighting files. For instance, the rule

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