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Kate/KDevelop Sprint – First Weekend

Monday, 20 January 2014  |  Christoph Cullmann

Tags:  planet  sprint

Here we sit, in Barcelona, hacking away at KTextEditor & Kate.
During the first 2 days, we already got some stuff done, like cleaning up KTextEditor interfaces and port more parts to KF5 (like ctags plugin, sql plugin, …).

More and more, KTextEditor & Kate get into a usable state for frameworks ;)
It is really good to have some free days in a nice location to focus on that goal!

We will not fundamentally change a lot of stuff but really concentrate on long term items we had on the radar for the 4.x => 5.x change and on having a GOOD 5.0 release that is as usable as the 4.x series with hopefully only as few regressions as possible.