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Kate 是一款功能丰富的文本编辑器

Kate 的功能非常丰富,可以让你更轻松地查看和编辑所有的文本文件。Kate 可以让你同时编辑和查看多个文件,既可以在标签页中查看,也可以在分割视图中查看,并且还附带了多种插件,包括一个嵌入式终端,可以让你直接从 Kate 中启动控制台命令,强大的搜索和替换插件,以及一个预览插件,可以让你看到你的 MD、HTML 甚至 SVG 的样子。


通过 语法高亮 功能让代码的显示更加美观

Kate 支持超过 300 种语言的高亮显示,使你更容易阅读几乎所有编程语言的代码。Kate 还了解括号的工作原理,并将帮助你在复杂的代码块层次结构中导航。此外,Kate 还包含了即时拼写检查功能,可以帮助你在发布前检查你的文本。 带语法高亮的 Kate 截图

Kate 语法选择器的截图

Multi-cursor editing

Boost your productivity with a help of multi-cursor and multi-selection features. Kate now has it! Switching from other proprietary text editors and missing your hotkey bindings you used to? You can configure every hotkey in Kate so you don't even have to retrain yourself

Animation of Kate multi-cursor features


通过拆分视图同时处理多个文件。使用项目侧边栏来导航您的项目目录结构,并使用 Kate 的智能标签来快速访问您最近打开的文件。强大的搜索和替换工具可以让你在整个项目内部快速搜索。

Kate 搜索和替换工具的截图
Kate 工程侧边栏的截图

使用 Kate 开发您的全新应用程序

Kate 是一款适合编程的文本编辑器,它通过 语言服务器协议 (LSP) 支持多种语言的自动补全。Kate 的编辑器针对代码编辑工作进行了优化,并提供支持脚本编程的自动缩进、Vi 输入模式、矩形块选择模式、智能注释和取消注释处理等相关功能。

Kate 搜索和替换工具的截图


Kate 包含许多默认安装的插件,使其比其他文本编辑器更强大。使用集成的终端模拟器直接从 Kate 中运行命令,使用 SQL 扩展执行 SQL 查询,使用 GDB 调试你的程序,只需点击一下就可以建立项目,还有很多很多。

Kate 内置的 Konsole


2024年 六月 8 日 星期六

Kate Fun Logo

G2 posted some fun logos for Kate on reddit. I think they are nice and flashy and well suited if you want to show your appreciation for Kate and like that art style and a good addition to our awesome icon and mascot. Static Version Animated Version Licensing G2 licensed these files under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Feel free to share the stuff with this license and credit for G2. 阅读全文
2024年 五月 13 日 星期一

Introducing the Formatting plugin

So this is not quite an introduction since the plugin has been around for almost a year now, having been released in the 23.04 release but since I never got around to writing a blog about it, here I am. In simple words, the formatting plugin allows one to format code easily and quickly. Well the "quickness" depends on the underlying code formatter but we try to be as quick as possible. 阅读全文
2023年 十二月 12 日 星期二

Kate KF6 Status

Current state of the port Thanks to the help of our contributors the current state of Kate for the upcoming first Qt & KF 6 release looks very promising. This includes not just people working on Kate and KTextEditor/KSyntaxHighlighing, but all of KDE Frameworks and Qt. I now use the KF 6 based version both at work and home exclusively after we switched the master branch over to that. So far, beside the natural issues that can occur using a branch under active development, nothing really did stick out as a blocking issue. 阅读全文
2023年 四月 30 日 星期日

KDE e.V. Microsoft Store Statistics

Let's take a look at the current state of the KDE e.V. published applications in the Microsoft Store. Last 30 days statistics Here are the number of acquisitions for the last 30 days (roughly equal to the number of installations, not mere downloads) for our applications: KDE Connect - Enabling communication between all your devices - 11,640 acquisitions Okular - More than a reader - 9,100 acquisitions Kate - Advanced Text Editor - 3,000 acquisitions 阅读全文
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