// // Arguments.swift // SwiftFormat // // Created by Nick Lockwood on 07/08/2018. // Copyright © 2018 Nick Lockwood. // // Distributed under the permissive MIT license // Get the latest version from here: // // https://github.com/nicklockwood/SwiftFormat // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // import Foundation extension Options { static let maxArgumentNameLength = 16 init(_ args: [String: String], in directory: String) throws { fileOptions = try fileOptionsFor(args, in: directory) formatOptions = try formatOptionsFor(args) let lint = args.keys.contains("lint") self.lint = lint rules = try rulesFor(args, lint: lint) } mutating func addArguments(_ args: [String: String], in directory: String) throws { let oldArguments = argumentsFor(self) let newArguments = try mergeArguments(args, into: oldArguments) var newOptions = try Options(newArguments, in: directory) if let fileInfo = formatOptions?.fileInfo { newOptions.formatOptions?.fileInfo = fileInfo } self = newOptions } } // Parse a space-delimited string into an array of command-line arguments // Replicates the behavior implemented by the console when parsing input func parseArguments(_ argumentString: String, ignoreComments: Bool = true) -> [String] { var arguments = [""] // Arguments always begin with script path var characters = String.UnicodeScalarView.SubSequence(argumentString.unicodeScalars) var string = "" var escaped = false var quoted = false loop: while let char = characters.popFirst() { switch char { case "#" where !ignoreComments && !escaped && !quoted: break loop // comment case "\\" where !escaped: escaped = true case "\"" where !escaped && !quoted: quoted = true case "\"" where !escaped && quoted: quoted = false fallthrough case " " where !escaped && !quoted: if !string.isEmpty { arguments.append(string) } string.removeAll() case "\"" where escaped: escaped = false string.append("\"") case _ where escaped && quoted: string.append("\\") fallthrough default: escaped = false string.append(Character(char)) } } if !string.isEmpty { arguments.append(string) } return arguments } // Parse a flat array of command-line arguments into a dictionary of flags and values func preprocessArguments(_ args: [String], _ names: [String]) throws -> [String: String] { var anonymousArgs = 0 var namedArgs: [String: String] = [:] var name = "" for arg in args { if arg.hasPrefix("--") { // Long argument names let key = String(arg.unicodeScalars.dropFirst(2)) guard names.contains(key) else { guard let match = bestMatches(for: key, in: names).first else { throw FormatError.options("Unknown option --\(key)") } throw FormatError.options("Unknown option --\(key). Did you mean --\(match)?") } name = key namedArgs[name] = namedArgs[name] ?? "" continue } else if arg.hasPrefix("-") { // Short argument names let flag = String(arg.unicodeScalars.dropFirst()) guard let match = names.first(where: { $0.hasPrefix(flag) }) else { throw FormatError.options("Unknown flag -\(flag)") } name = match namedArgs[name] = namedArgs[name] ?? "" continue } if name == "" { // Argument is anonymous name = String(anonymousArgs) anonymousArgs += 1 } var arg = arg let hasTrailingComma = arg.hasSuffix(",") && arg != "," if hasTrailingComma { arg = String(arg.dropLast()) } if let existing = namedArgs[name], !existing.isEmpty, // TODO: find a more general way to represent merge-able options ["exclude", "unexclude", "disable", "enable", "lintonly", "rules"].contains(name) || Descriptors.all.contains(where: { $0.argumentName == name && $0.isSetType }) { namedArgs[name] = existing + "," + arg } else { namedArgs[name] = arg } if !hasTrailingComma { name = "" } } return namedArgs } // Find best match for a given string in a list of options func bestMatches(for query: String, in options: [String]) -> [String] { let lowercaseQuery = query.lowercased() // Sort matches by Levenshtein edit distance return options .compactMap { option -> (String, distance: Int, commonPrefix: Int)? in let lowercaseOption = option.lowercased() let distance = editDistance(lowercaseOption, lowercaseQuery) let commonPrefix = lowercaseOption.commonPrefix(with: lowercaseQuery) if commonPrefix.isEmpty, distance > lowercaseQuery.count / 2 { return nil } return (option, distance, commonPrefix.count) } .sorted { if $0.distance == $1.distance { return $0.commonPrefix > $1.commonPrefix } return $0.distance < $1.distance } .map { $0.0 } } /// The Damerau-Levenshtein edit-distance between two strings func editDistance(_ lhs: String, _ rhs: String) -> Int { let lhs = Array(lhs) let rhs = Array(rhs) var dist = [[Int]]() for i in 0 ... lhs.count { dist.append([i]) } for j in 1 ... rhs.count { dist[0].append(j) } for i in 1 ... lhs.count { for j in 1 ... rhs.count { if lhs[i - 1] == rhs[j - 1] { dist[i].append(dist[i - 1][j - 1]) } else { dist[i].append(min(dist[i - 1][j] + 1, dist[i][j - 1] + 1, dist[i - 1][j - 1] + 1)) } if i > 1, j > 1, lhs[i - 1] == rhs[j - 2], lhs[i - 2] == rhs[j - 1] { dist[i][j] = min(dist[i][j], dist[i - 2][j - 2] + 1) } } } return dist[lhs.count][rhs.count] } // Parse a comma-delimited list of items func parseCommaDelimitedList(_ string: String) -> [String] { return string.components(separatedBy: ",").compactMap { let item = $0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) return item.isEmpty ? nil : item } } // Parse a comma-delimited string into an array of rules let allRules = Set(FormatRules.byName.keys) func parseRules(_ rules: String) throws -> [String] { return try parseCommaDelimitedList(rules).map { proposedName in if let name = allRules.first(where: { $0.lowercased() == proposedName.lowercased() }) { return name } if Descriptors.all.contains(where: { $0.argumentName == proposedName }) { for rule in FormatRules.all where rule.options.contains(proposedName) { throw FormatError.options( "'\(proposedName)' is not a formatting rule. Did you mean '\(rule.name)'?" ) } throw FormatError.options("'\(proposedName)' is not a formatting rule") } guard let match = bestMatches(for: proposedName, in: Array(allRules)).first else { throw FormatError.options("Unknown rule '\(proposedName)'") } throw FormatError.options("Unknown rule '\(proposedName)'. Did you mean '\(match)'?") } } // Parse single file path, disallowing globs or commas func parsePath(_ path: String, for argument: String, in directory: String) throws -> URL { let expandedPath = expandPath(path, in: directory) if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: expandedPath.path) { if path.contains(",") { throw FormatError.options("\(argument) argument does not support multiple paths") } if pathContainsGlobSyntax(path) { throw FormatError.options("\(argument) path cannot contain wildcards") } } return expandedPath } // Parse one or more comma-delimited file paths, expanding globs as required func parsePaths(_ paths: String, in directory: String) throws -> [URL] { return try matchGlobs(expandGlobs(paths, in: directory), in: directory) } // Merge two dictionaries of arguments func mergeArguments(_ args: [String: String], into config: [String: String]) throws -> [String: String] { var input = config var output = args // Merge excluded urls if let exclude = output["exclude"].map(parseCommaDelimitedList), var excluded = input["exclude"].map({ Set(parseCommaDelimitedList($0)) }) { excluded.formUnion(exclude) output["exclude"] = Array(excluded).sorted().joined(separator: ",") } // Merge unexcluded urls if let unexclude = output["unexclude"].map(parseCommaDelimitedList), var unexcluded = input["unexclude"].map({ Set(parseCommaDelimitedList($0)) }) { unexcluded.formUnion(unexclude) output["unexclude"] = Array(unexcluded).sorted().joined(separator: ",") } // Merge rules if let rules = try output["rules"].map(parseRules) { if rules.isEmpty { output["rules"] = nil } else { input["rules"] = nil input["enable"] = nil input["disable"] = nil input["lintonly"] = nil } } else { if let _disable = try output["disable"].map(parseRules) { if let rules = try input["rules"].map(parseRules) { input["rules"] = Set(rules).subtracting(_disable).sorted().joined(separator: ",") } if let enable = try input["enable"].map(parseRules) { input["enable"] = Set(enable).subtracting(_disable).sorted().joined(separator: ",") } if let lintonly = try input["lintonly"].map(parseRules) { input["lintonly"] = Set(lintonly).subtracting(_disable).sorted().joined(separator: ",") } if let disable = try input["disable"].map(parseRules) { input["disable"] = Set(disable).union(_disable).sorted().joined(separator: ",") output["disable"] = nil } } if let _enable = try output["enable"].map(parseRules) { if let enable = try input["enable"].map(parseRules) { input["enable"] = Set(enable).union(_enable).sorted().joined(separator: ",") output["enable"] = nil } if let lintonly = try input["lintonly"].map(parseRules) { input["lintonly"] = Set(lintonly).subtracting(_enable).sorted().joined(separator: ",") } if let disable = try input["disable"].map(parseRules) { input["disable"] = Set(disable).subtracting(_enable).sorted().joined(separator: ",") } } if let _lintonly = try output["lintonly"].map(parseRules) { if let lintonly = try input["lintonly"].map(parseRules) { input["lintonly"] = Set(lintonly).union(_lintonly).sorted().joined(separator: ",") output["lintonly"] = nil } } } // Merge other arguments for (key, inValue) in input { guard let outValue = output[key] else { output[key] = inValue continue } if Descriptors.all.contains(where: { $0.argumentName == key && $0.isSetType }) { let inOptions = parseCommaDelimitedList(inValue) let outOptions = parseCommaDelimitedList(outValue) output[key] = Set(inOptions).union(outOptions).sorted().joined(separator: ",") } } return output } // Parse a configuration file into a dictionary of arguments public func parseConfigFile(_ data: Data) throws -> [String: String] { guard let input = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) else { throw FormatError.reading("Unable to read data for configuration file") } let lines = try cumulate(successiveLines: input.components(separatedBy: .newlines)) let arguments = try lines.flatMap { line -> [String] in // TODO: parseArguments isn't a perfect fit here - should we use a different approach? let line = line.replacingOccurrences(of: "\\n", with: "\n") let parts = parseArguments(line, ignoreComments: false).dropFirst().map { $0.replacingOccurrences(of: "\n", with: "\\n") } guard let key = parts.first else { return [] } if !key.hasPrefix("-") { throw FormatError.options("Unknown option '\(key)' in configuration file") } return [key, parts.dropFirst().joined(separator: " ")] } do { return try preprocessArguments(arguments, optionsArguments) } catch let FormatError.options(message) { throw FormatError.options("\(message) in configuration file") } } private func cumulate(successiveLines: [String]) throws -> [String] { var cumulatedLines = [String]() var iterator = successiveLines.makeIterator() while let currentLine = iterator.next() { var cumulatedLine = effectiveContent(of: currentLine) while cumulatedLine.hasSuffix("\\") { guard let nextLine = iterator.next() else { throw FormatError.reading("Configuration file ends with an illegal line continuation character '\'") } if !nextLine.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).starts(with: "#") { cumulatedLine = cumulatedLine.dropLast() + effectiveContent(of: nextLine) } } cumulatedLines.append(String(cumulatedLine)) } return cumulatedLines } private func effectiveContent(of line: String) -> String { return line .prefix { $0 != "#" } .trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) } // Serialize a set of options into either an arguments string or a file func serialize(options: Options, swiftVersion: Version = .undefined, excludingDefaults: Bool = false, separator: String = "\n") -> String { var arguments = [[String: String]]() if let fileOptions = options.fileOptions { arguments.append(argumentsFor( Options(fileOptions: fileOptions), excludingDefaults: excludingDefaults )) } if let formatOptions = options.formatOptions { arguments.append(argumentsFor( Options(formatOptions: formatOptions), excludingDefaults: excludingDefaults )) } else if swiftVersion != .undefined { let descriptor = Descriptors.swiftVersion arguments.append([descriptor.argumentName: swiftVersion.rawValue]) } if let rules = options.rules { arguments.append(argumentsFor( Options(rules: rules), excludingDefaults: excludingDefaults )) } return arguments .map { serialize(arguments: $0, separator: separator) } .filter { !$0.isEmpty } .joined(separator: separator) } // Serialize arguments func serialize(arguments: [String: String], separator: String = "\n") -> String { return arguments.map { var value = $1 if value.contains(" ") { value = "\"\(value.replacingOccurrences(of: "\"", with: "\\\""))\"" } return "--\($0) \(value)" }.sorted().joined(separator: separator) } // Get command line arguments from options func argumentsFor(_ options: Options, excludingDefaults: Bool = false) -> [String: String] { var args = [String: String]() if let fileOptions = options.fileOptions { var arguments = Set(fileArguments) do { if !excludingDefaults || fileOptions.followSymlinks != FileOptions.default.followSymlinks { args["symlinks"] = fileOptions.followSymlinks ? "follow" : "ignore" } arguments.remove("symlinks") } do { if !fileOptions.excludedGlobs.isEmpty { // TODO: find a better alternative to stringifying url args["exclude"] = fileOptions.excludedGlobs.map { $0.description }.sorted().joined(separator: ",") } arguments.remove("exclude") } do { if !fileOptions.unexcludedGlobs.isEmpty { // TODO: find a better alternative to stringifying url args["unexclude"] = fileOptions.unexcludedGlobs.map { $0.description }.sorted().joined(separator: ",") } arguments.remove("unexclude") } do { if !excludingDefaults || fileOptions.minVersion != FileOptions.default.minVersion { args["minversion"] = fileOptions.minVersion.description } arguments.remove("minversion") } assert(arguments.isEmpty) } if let formatOptions = options.formatOptions { for descriptor in Descriptors.all where !descriptor.isRenamed { let value = descriptor.fromOptions(formatOptions) guard value != descriptor.fromOptions(.default) || (!excludingDefaults && !descriptor.isDeprecated) else { continue } // Special case for swiftVersion // TODO: find a better solution for this if descriptor.argumentName == Descriptors.swiftVersion.argumentName, value == Version.undefined.rawValue { continue } args[descriptor.argumentName] = value } // Special case for wrapParameters let argumentName = Descriptors.wrapParameters.argumentName if args[argumentName] == WrapMode.default.rawValue { args[argumentName] = args[Descriptors.wrapArguments.argumentName] } } if options.lint { args["lint"] = "" } if let rules = options.rules { let defaultRules = allRules.subtracting(FormatRules.disabledByDefault) let enabled = rules.subtracting(defaultRules) if !enabled.isEmpty { args["enable"] = enabled.sorted().joined(separator: ",") } let disabled = defaultRules.subtracting(rules) if !disabled.isEmpty { args["disable"] = disabled.sorted().joined(separator: ",") } } return args } private func processOption(_ key: String, in args: [String: String], from: inout Set<String>, handler: (String) throws -> Void) throws { precondition(optionsArguments.contains(key), "\(key) not in optionsArguments") var arguments = from arguments.remove(key) from = arguments guard let value = args[key] else { return } do { try handler(value) } catch { guard !value.isEmpty else { throw FormatError.options("--\(key) option expects a value") } if case var FormatError.options(string) = error, !string.isEmpty { if !string.contains(key) { string += " in --\(key)" } throw FormatError.options(string) } throw FormatError.options("Unsupported --\(key) value '\(value)'") } } // Parse rule names from arguments public func rulesFor(_ args: [String: String], lint: Bool) throws -> Set<String> { var rules = allRules rules = try args["rules"].map { try Set(parseRules($0)) } ?? rules.subtracting(FormatRules.disabledByDefault) try args["enable"].map { try rules.formUnion(parseRules($0)) } try args["disable"].map { try rules.subtract(parseRules($0)) } try args["lintonly"].map { rulesString in if lint { try rules.formUnion(parseRules(rulesString)) } else { try rules.subtract(parseRules(rulesString)) } } return rules } // Parse FileOptions from arguments func fileOptionsFor(_ args: [String: String], in directory: String) throws -> FileOptions? { var options = FileOptions() var arguments = Set(fileArguments) var containsFileOption = false try processOption("symlinks", in: args, from: &arguments) { containsFileOption = true switch $0.lowercased() { case "follow": options.followSymlinks = true case "ignore": options.followSymlinks = false default: throw FormatError.options("") } } try processOption("exclude", in: args, from: &arguments) { containsFileOption = true options.excludedGlobs += expandGlobs($0, in: directory) } try processOption("unexclude", in: args, from: &arguments) { containsFileOption = true options.unexcludedGlobs += expandGlobs($0, in: directory) } try processOption("minversion", in: args, from: &arguments) { containsFileOption = true guard let minVersion = Version(rawValue: $0) else { throw FormatError.options("Unsupported --minversion value '\($0)'") } guard minVersion <= Version(stringLiteral: swiftFormatVersion) else { throw FormatError.options("Project specifies SwiftFormat --minversion of \(minVersion)") } options.minVersion = minVersion } assert(arguments.isEmpty, "\(arguments.joined(separator: ","))") return containsFileOption ? options : nil } // Parse FormatOptions from arguments // Returns nil if the arguments dictionary does not contain any formatting arguments public func formatOptionsFor(_ args: [String: String]) throws -> FormatOptions? { var options = FormatOptions.default var arguments = Set(formattingArguments) var containsFormatOption = false for option in Descriptors.all { try processOption(option.argumentName, in: args, from: &arguments) { containsFormatOption = true try option.toOptions($0, &options) } } assert(arguments.isEmpty, "\(arguments.joined(separator: ","))") return containsFormatOption ? options : nil } // Get deprecation warnings from a set of arguments func warningsForArguments(_ args: [String: String]) -> [String] { var warnings = [String]() for option in Descriptors.all { if args[option.argumentName] != nil, let message = option.deprecationMessage { warnings.append("--\(option.argumentName) option is deprecated. \(message)") } } for name in Set(rulesArguments.flatMap { (try? args[$0].map(parseRules) ?? []) ?? [] }) { if let message = FormatRules.byName[name]?.deprecationMessage { warnings.append("\(name) rule is deprecated. \(message)") } } if let rules = try? rulesFor(args, lint: true) { for arg in args.keys where formattingArguments.contains(arg) { if !rules.contains(where: { guard let rule = FormatRules.byName[$0] else { return false } return rule.options.contains(arg) || rule.sharedOptions.contains(arg) }) { let expected = FormatRules.all.first(where: { $0.options.contains(arg) })?.name ?? "associated" warnings.append("--\(arg) option has no effect when \(expected) rule is disabled") } } } return warnings } let fileArguments = [ "symlinks", "exclude", "unexclude", "minversion", ] let rulesArguments = [ "disable", "enable", "lintonly", "rules", ] let formattingArguments = Descriptors.formatting.map { $0.argumentName } let internalArguments = Descriptors.internal.map { $0.argumentName } let optionsArguments = fileArguments + rulesArguments + formattingArguments + internalArguments let commandLineArguments = [ // Input options "filelist", "stdinpath", "config", "inferoptions", "linerange", "output", "cache", "dryrun", "lint", "lenient", "verbose", "quiet", "report", // Misc "help", "version", "options", "ruleinfo", ] + optionsArguments let deprecatedArguments = Descriptors.all.compactMap { $0.isDeprecated ? $0.argumentName : nil } protocol Foo { func foo() func bar() } // something class FooImpl: Foo { }