# Sieve syntax highlighting test # see RFC 5228 # comments §2.3. # Single line with alerts TODO ### /* Multiline comment with alerts FIXME this also should be folding region */ # literal data §2.4. # numbers §2.4.1. 42 100K 10M 3G # strings §2.4.2. "string" "string\nwith\"special chars" # not a string "multi \ line \ #with\a \ continuation" # not a string text: Multiline string\" "with quotes" or # comments this should also be a folding region .dot ..dot dotstuffed dot: .. ending with a single . . # encoded characters § # valid "$${hex:24 24}" "${unicode:40}" "$${hex:40}" "${hex: da }" "${hex:FE }" "${HEX: 40}" "${unicode:40}" "${UNICODE:40}" "${UnICoDE:0000040}" "${Unicode:ff}" #invalid "${hex:40" "${hex:4${hex:30}}" "${ unicode:40}" "${Unicode:Cool}" # semantic errors, syntactically correct "${hex:400}" "${unicode:200000}" "${Unicode:DF01}" # test lists §2.5.1 if anyof (not exists ["From", "Date"], header :contains "from" "fool@example.com") { discard; } if allof (not exists ["From", "Date"], header :contains "from" "fool@example.com") { discard; } # match types §2.7.1. :contains :matches :is # comparators §2.7.3. if header :contains :comparator "i;octet" "Subject" "MAKE MONEY FAST" { discard; } # comparison against addresses §2.7.4. :localpart :domain :all # commands §2.9. keep; fileinto "inbox.bla"; redirect "test@kde.org"; discard; # control if §3.1. # this also should create folding regions if header :contains "from" "foo" { discard; } elsif header :contains ["subject"] ["$$$"] { discard; } else { fileinto "INBOX"; } # control require §3.2. require "fileinto"; require ["vacation", "imapflags"]; # control stop §3.3. stop; # test commands §5. address allof anyof exists false header not size true # test address §5.1. if address :is :all "from" "kde@example.com" { discard; } elsif address :domain :is ["From", "To"] "example.com" { # comment keep; # comment } # test envelope §5.4. if envelope :all :is "from" "kde@example.com" { discard; } # test exists §5.5. if not exists ["From","Date"] { discard; } # test header §5.7. not header :matches "Cc" "?*" # test size §5.9. if size :over 500K { discard; } if size :under 1M { keep; } else { discard; } /* * Extensions * see https://www.iana.org/assignments/sieve-extensions/sieve-extensions.xhtml */ # Body RFC5173 :raw :content :text if body :raw :contains "MAKE MONEY FAST" { discard; } if body :content "text" :contains ["bla", "blub"] { fileinto "inbox.foo"; } # Convert RFC6558 require ["convert"]; convert "image/tiff" "image/jpeg" ["pix-x=320","pix-y=240"]; # Copy RFC3894 require ["copy", "fileinto"]; fileinto :copy "incoming"; # Date RFC5260 require ["date", "relational", "fileinto"]; if allof(header :is "from" "boss@example.com", date :value "ge" :originalzone "date" "hour" "09", date :value "lt" :originalzone "date" "hour" "17") { fileinto "urgent"; } if anyof(date :is "received" "weekday" "0", date :is "received" "weekday" "6") { fileinto "weekend"; } if anyof(currentdate :is "weekday" "0", currentdate :is "weekday" "6", currentdate :value "lt" "hour" "09", currentdate :value "ge" "hour" "17") { redirect "pager@example.com"; } if allof(currentdate :value "ge" "date" "2007-06-30", currentdate :value "le" "date" "2007-07-07") { vacation :days 7 "I'm away during the first week in July."; } require ["date", "variables", "fileinto"]; if currentdate :matches "month" "*" { set "month" "${1}"; } if currentdate :matches "year" "*" { set "year" "${1}"; } fileinto "${month}-${year}"; require ["variables", "date", "editheader"]; if currentdate :matches "std11" "*" {addheader "Processing-date" "${0}";} require ["date", "relational", "index"]; if date :value "gt" :index 2 :zone "-0500" "received" "iso8601" "2007-02-26T09:00:00-05:00" { redirect "aftercutoff@example.org"; } if header :index 1 :matches "received" "*(* [*.*.*.*])*" {} # Duplicate RFC7352 require ["duplicate", "variables"]; if duplicate { discard; } if duplicate :header "message-id" { discard; } if header :matches "message-id" "*" { if duplicate :uniqueid "${0}" { discard; } } # Editheader RFC5293 addheader "X-Hello" "World"; deleteheader :index 1 "X-Hello"; # Enclose RFC5703 :mime :anychild :type :subtype :contenttype :param replace enclose extracttext if header :mime :type "Content-Type" "image" {} replace "Executable attachment removed by user filter"; foreverypart { if header :mime :param "filename" :matches ["Content-Type", "Content-Disposition"] ["*.com", "*.exe", "*.vbs", "*.scr", "*.pif", "*.hta", "*.bat", "*.zip" ] { # these attachment types are executable enclose :subject "Warning" text: WARNING! The enclosed message contains executable attachments. These attachment types may contain a computer virus program that can infect your computer and potentially damage your data. . ; break; } } extracttext :first 100 "msgcontent"; # Notify RFC5435 notify :importance "1" :message "This is probably very important" "mailto:kde@example.com"; notify :message "${from_addr}${env_from}: ${subject}" "mailto:kde@example.com"; if not valid_notify_method ["mailto:", "http://gw.example.net/notify?test"] { stop; } if notify_method_capability "xmpp:tim@example.com?message;subject=SIEVE" "Online" "yes" {} set :encodeurl "body_param" "stuff"; # Envelope DSN RFC6009 if envelope "notify" "SUCCESS" {} if allof (envelope "notify" "FAILURE", envelope :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" :count "eq" "notify" "1") {} if envelope :matches "orcpt" "rfc822;*@example.com" {} if anyof (envelope :contains "bytimerelative" "-", envelope :value "eq" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" "bytimerelative" "0") {} redirect :copy :notify "NEVER" "elsewhere@example.com"; redirect :copy :bytimerelative 600 "cellphone@example.com"; redirect :copy :bytimeabsolute "${date}T20:00:00${zone}" :bymode "return" "cellphone@example.com"; # Environment RFC5183 if environment :contains "item" "" {} # Reject RFC5429 ereject "I no longer accept mail from this address"; reject text: Your message is too big. If you want to send me a big attachment, put it on a public web site and send me a URL. . ; # External Lists RFC6134 if envelope :list "from" ":addrbook:default" {} if currentdate :list "date" "tag:example.com,2011-01-01:localHolidays" {} if allof (envelope :detail "to" "mylist", header :list "from" "tag:example.com,2010-05-28:mylist") { redirect :list "tag:example.com,2010-05-28:mylist"; } if string :list "${ip}" "tag:example.com,2011-04-10:DisallowedIPs" {} if header :mime :param "filename" :list ["Content-Type", "Content-Disposition"] "tag:example.com,2011-04-10:BadFileNameExts" {} # ihave RFC5463 if ihave "fileinto" {} error "failed!"; # IMAP Sieve RFC6785 if anyof (environment :is "imap.cause" "APPEND", environment :is "imap.cause" "COPY") { if environment :is "imap.mailbox" "ActionItems" { redirect :copy "actionitems@example.com"; } } # IMAP4 Flags RFC5232 setflag "\\Deleted"; setflag "flagvar" "\\Flagged"; addflag "flagvar" "\\Deleted"; addflag "flagvar" ["\\Deleted", "\\Answered"]; removeflag "flagvar" "$MDNRequired"; hasflag :contains "MyVar" "Junk" hasflag :contains "${MyVar}" ["label", "forward"] hasflag :count "ge" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" "MyFlags" 2 fileinto :flags "\\Deleted" "INBOX.bla"; # Include RFC6609 include :personal "always_allow"; include :global "spam_tests"; return; global "i_am_on_vacation"; set "global.i_am_on_vacation" "1"; # Mailbox RFC5490 if mailboxexists "bla" {} fileinto :create "inbox.bla"; if metadata :is "INBOX" "/private/vendor/vendor.isode/auto-replies" "on" {} if metadataexists "INBOX" "/private/vendor/foo" {} if servermetadata :matches "/private/vendor/vendor.isode/notification-uri" "*" {} if servermetadataexists "/private/vendor/foo" {} # Regexp (draft) if not address :regex ["to", "cc", "bcc"] "me(\\+.*)?@company\\.com" {} # Relational RFC5231 if address :count "ge" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" ["to", "cc"] ["3"] {} if header :value "lt" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" ["x-priority"] ["3"] {} # Spamtest RFC5235 if spamtest :value "eq" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" "0" {} elsif spamtest :value "ge" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" "3" {} elsif spamtest :percent :value "lt" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" "37" {} if virustest :value "eq" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" "4" {} # Subaddress RFC5233 if envelope :user "to" "postmaster" {} if envelope :detail "to" "mta-filters" {} # Vacation RFC5230 vacation "I'm out"; vacation :subject "Automatic response to: ${1}" "I'm away -- send mail to foo in my absence"; vacation :handle "ran-away" "I'm out"; vacation :mime text: Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=foo --foo Hello ${sender}, I'm at the beach relaxing. --foo Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>How to relax</TITLE> <BASE HREF="http://home.example.com/pictures/"></HEAD> <BODY><P>I'm at the <A HREF="beach.gif">beach</A> relaxing. </BODY></HTML> --foo-- . ; vacation :days 23 :addresses ["kde@example.edu"] "I'm away until October 19."; # Vacation Seconds RFC6131 vacation :addresses ["kde@example.edu"] :seconds 1800 "I am in a meeting, and do not have access to email."; # Variables RFC5229 "&%${}!" # invalid "${doh!}" #invalid "${company}" "bla ${var42} blub" "${1}" "${BAD${Company}" # second one is the variable "${President, ${Company} Inc.}" # inner one is the variable set "var" "value"; set "var2" "${var}"; set "a" "juMBlEd lETteRS"; set :length "b" "${a}"; set :lower "b" "${a}"; set :upperfirst "b" "${a}"; set :upperfirst :lower "b" "${a}"; set :quotewildcard "b" "Rock*"; set :lowerfirst "b" "${a}"; if string :matches " ${state} " "* pending *" {} # Dovecot debug extension require "vnd.dovecot.debug"; if header :contains "subject" "hello" { debug_log "Subject header contains hello!"; }