jmp near dword [0]
    jmp far dword [0]

    mov bx,ax       ; general register to general register
    mov [char],al   ; general register to memory
    mov dl,32       ; immediate value to general register
    mov cr3,ebx     ; general register to control register

    xchg ax,bx      ; swap two general registers
    xchg al,[char]  ; swap register with memory

    push ax         ; store general register
    push es         ; store segment register
    pushw [bx]      ; store memory
    push 1000h      ; store immediate value

    imul ax,[si],10 ; memory by immediate value to register

    bt  ax,15        ; test bit in register
    bts word [bx],15 ; test and set bit in memory

    bswap edx        ; swap bytes in register

    jmp 100h         ; direct near jump
    jmp 0FFFFh:0     ; direct far jump
    jmp ax           ; indirect near jump
    jmp pword [ebx]  ; indirect far jump

    movs byte [di],[si]        ; transfer byte
    movs word [es:di],[ss:si]  ; transfer word
    movsd                      ; transfer double word

    cmpxchg8b [bx]   ; compare and exchange 8 bytes

    movq2dq xmm0,mm1   ; move from MMX register to SSE register
    movdq2q mm0,xmm1   ; move from SSE register to MMX register

    enter 2048,0     ; enter and allocate 2048 bytes on stack

    mov [rip+3],sil    ; manual RIP-relative addressing

    blendvps xmm3,xmm7,xmm0 ; blend according to mask
    vgatherqps xmm0,[xmm2],xmm3        ; gather two floats
    vgatherqps xmm0,[ymm2+64],xmm3     ; gather four floats
    vfmsub231ps ymm1,ymm2,ymm3     ; multiply and subtract
    vfnmadd132sd xmm0,xmm5,[ebx]   ; multiply, negate and add
    vpermil2ps ymm0,ymm3,ymm7,ymm2,0  ; permute from two sources

    vscatterdps [eax+xmm1]{k1},xmm0    ; scatter four floats
    vscatterdpd [ymm3*8]{k3},zmm0      ; scatter eight doubles

    dd sum
    x = 1
    x = x+2
    sum = x

    if count>0
        mov cx,count
        rep movsb
    end if

    if count & ~ count mod 4
        mov cx,count/4
        rep movsd
    else if count>4
        mov cx,count/4
        rep movsd
        mov cx,count mod 4
        rep movsb
        mov cx,count
        rep movsb
    end if

    repeat 8
        mov byte [bx],%
        inc bx
    end repeat

    s = x/2
    repeat 100
        if x/s = s
        end if
        s = (s+x/s)/2
    end repeat

    repeat $-$$
        load a byte from $$+%-1
        store byte a xor c at $$+%-1
    end repeat

    GDTR dp ?
    virtual at GDTR
        GDT_limit dw ?
        GDT_address dd ?
    end virtual

    virtual at 0
        file 'a.txt':10h,1
        load char from 0
    end virtual

    virtual at 0 as 'asc'
        times 256 db %-1
    end virtual

    virtual at 0
        db '0123456789ABCDEF'
    end virtual
    load a byte from hex_digits:10

    bits = 16
    display 'Current offset is 0x'
    repeat bits/4
        d = '0' + $ shr (bits-%*4) and 0Fh
        if d > '9'
            d = d + 'A'-'9'-1
        end if
        display d
    end repeat
    display 13,10

    if ~ defined alpha
    end if

    if ~ defined alpha | defined @f
    end if

    include ''

    d equ dword
    NULL equ d 0
    d equ edx

    d equ d,eax

    b equ byte
    w equ word
    d equ dword
    p equ pword
    f equ fword
    q equ qword
    t equ tword
    x equ dqword
    y equ qqword

    incl fix include

    macro tst {test al,0xFF}

    macro stos0
        xor al,al

    macro align value { rb (value-1)-($+value-1) mod value }

    macro mov op1,op2
      if op1 in <ds,es,fs,gs,ss> & op2 in <cs,ds,es,fs,gs,ss>
        push  op2
        pop   op1
        mov   op1,op2
      end if

    macro stoschar [char]
        mov al,char

    macro movstr
        local move
        test al,al
        jnz move

    macro strtbl name,[string]
        label name dword
        local label
        dd label
        label db string,0

    push 3
    push 2
    push 1
    call foo

    macro invoke proc,[arg]
     { common stdcall [proc],arg }

    macro jif op1,cond,op2,label
        cmp op1,op2
        j#cond label

    macro label name
        label name
        if ~ used name
          display `name # " is defined but not used.",13,10
        end if

    macro message arg
      if arg eqtype ""
        local str
        jmp   @f
        str   db arg,0Dh,0Ah,24h
        mov   dx,str
        mov   dx,arg
      end if
        mov   ah,9
        int   21h

    macro ext instr
      macro instr op1,op2,op3
        if op3 eq
          instr op1,op2
          instr op1,op2
          instr op2,op3
        end if

    ext add
    ext sub

    macro tmacro [params]
      common macro params {
    MACRO fix tmacro
    ENDM fix }

    MACRO stoschar char
        mov al,char

      code_size = $

    struc point x,y
        .x dw x
        .y dw y

    struc db [data]
        . db data
        .size = $ - .

    rept 5 { in al,dx }

    rept 3 counter
        byte#counter db counter

    match +,+ { include '' }
    match +,- { include '' }
    match a b, 1+2+3 { db a }

    V fix {
      macro empty
    V fix }

    list equ

    macro append item
       match any, list \{ list equ list,item \}
       match , list \{ list equ item \}

    define a b+4
    define b 3
    rept 1 result:a*b+2 { define c result }

    rept 8 n:0 { pxor xmm#n,xmm#n }

   irps reg, al bx ecx
    { xor reg,reg }

    if 0
    a = 1
    b equ 2
    end if
    dd b

    extrn exit
    extrn '__imp__MessageBoxA@16' as MessageBox:dword

    extrn 'printf' as _printf
    printf = PLT _printf

    tester? = 0

        space.x = 1
        space.y = 2
        space.color.r = 0
        space.color.g = 0
        space.color.b = 0

        namespace space
                x = 1
                y = 2
                .r = 0
                .g = 0
                .b = 0
        end namespace

                .child = 1
                ..other = 0
                .child = 2
                ..another = ..other

        label character:byte
        label char:1

        byte? = 1       ; 8 bits
        word? = 2       ; 16 bits
        dword? = 4      ; 32 bits
        fword? = 6      ; 48 bits
        pword? = 6      ; 48 bits
        qword? = 8      ; 64 bits
        tbyte? = 10     ; 80 bits
        tword? = 10     ; 80 bits
        dqword? = 16    ; 128 bits
        xword? = 16     ; 128 bits
        qqword? = 32    ; 256 bits
        yword? = 32     ; 256 bits
        dqqword? = 64   ; 512 bits
        zword? = 64     ; 512 bits

        element A
        linpoly = A + A + 3
        vterm = linpoly scale 1 * linpoly element 1     ; vterm = 2 * A

        db 4 dup 90h            ; generate 4 bytes
        db 2 dup ('abc',10)     ; generate 8 bytes

        macro measured name,string
                local top
                name db string
                top: name.length = top - name
        end macro

        measured hello, 'Hello!'        ; hello.length = 6

        A equ 1
        A equ 2

        drop A
        drop A

        data1 dw 1
        buffer1 rb 10h          ; zeroed and present in the output

        org 400h
        data dw 2
        buffer2 rb 20h          ; not in the output

        section 1000h
        data3 dw 3
        buffer3 rb 30h          ; not in the output

        virtual at 0
                db '0123456789ABCDEF'
        end virtual
        load a:byte from hex_digits:10  ; a = 'A'

        db "Text"
        key = 7Bh
        repeat $-$$
                load a : byte from $$+%-1
                store a xor key : byte at $$+%-1
        end repeat

        load char : byte from const:0

        if $>10000h
                err 'segment too large'
        end if
        calminstruction please? cmd&
                match =do? =not? cmd, cmd
                jyes done
                assemble cmd
        end calminstruction

        please do not display 'Bye!'

        macro jmpi target
                if target-($+2) < 80h & target-($+2) >= -80h                    
                        db 0EBh
                        db target-($+1)
                        db 0E9h
                        dw target-($+2)
                end if 
        end macro

        macro EX? first,second
                match (=SP?), first
                        match =HL?, second
                                db 0E3h
                        else match =IX?, second
                                db 0DDh,0E3h
                        else match =IY?, second
                                db 0FDh,0E3h
                                err "incorrect second argument"
                        end match
                else match =AF?, first
                        match =AF'?, second
                                db 08h
                                err "incorrect second argument"
                        end match
                else match =DE?, first
                        match =HL?, second
                                db 0EBh
                                err "incorrect second argument"
                        end match
                        err "incorrect first argument"
                end match
        end macro

        EX (SP),HL

        macro INC? argument
                match [:r:], argument
                        db 100b + r shl 3
                else match (=HL?), argument
                        db 34h
                else match (=IX?+d), argument
                        db 0DDh,34h,d
                else match (=IY?+d), argument
                        db 0FDh,34h,d
                        err "incorrect argument"
                end match
        end macro

        INC (IX+2)

        element IY? 

        element L? : register + 101b

        macro CALL? arguments&
                local cc,nn
                match condition =, target, arguments
                        cc = condition - CC
                        nn = target
                        db 0C4h + cc shl 3
                        nn = arguments
                        db 0CDh                     
                end match
                dw nn
        end macro