
Setup your KDE development environment - kdesrc-build & Kate

Sunday, 7 February 2021 | Christoph Cullmann
KDE's developer experience evolution Kate (and KDE) is always in need of more contributors. Over the years we tried to make the development experience more pleasant and move to tools that are more widely adopted by developers around the world. We traveled from ancient CVS repositories over to Subversion and since years are up and running on Git. We moved our code hosting to a more beginner friendly GitLab instance in the last year, too. Read More

Search In Files & Multi-Threading

Friday, 29 January 2021 | Christoph Cullmann
Kate has since years a very nifty search in files plugin. It allows to do multi-file searches and replacements. Together with the projects plugin, I use this plugin daily, it is great! But, whereas it was very useful already since the first release and got polished a lot in the last years, it is by far not the fastest file search out there. Let's be honest: for example Visual Studio Code is fast, we are slow, that is bad :=P Read More

The Kate Text Editor - January 2021

Sunday, 24 January 2021 | Christoph Cullmann
A lot of stuff happened for Kate and it's foundation KTextEditor & KSyntaxHighlighting in January 2021 ;) I will just briefly summarize what is going one feature wise. Quick Open Already two weeks ago I pointed out the improvements to our Quick Open dialog. It not only got some nice visual refresh but a much better fuzzy matching algorithm. The fuzzy matching algorithm is on its way to be upstream to KCoreAddons to be used by more parts of the KDE universe. Read More

Kate Text Editor - Quick Open

Sunday, 10 January 2021 | Christoph Cullmann
After my summary of Kate improvements in 2020, it is my pleasure to show a first improvement coming in 2021. Quick Open? Kate has since years a feature called "quick open". You reach it via the button at the right of the tabs or the default shortcut "Ctrl-Alt-O". Quick open will provide a list of the current open documents (and in addition files of the current/all active projects) for quick navigation between them. Read More

The Kate Text Editor in 2020

Thursday, 31 December 2020 | Christoph Cullmann
2020 was for sure no good year for most people around the world. A lot of us are affected directly or indirectly by the currently still raging COVID-19 pandemic. Let's hope that 2021 will bring better fortune at least in this aspect. Still, good stuff happened in 2020, too, not all was bleak. I read already some wrap ups of 2020 from others like Nate and Aleix. A lot stuff happened inside the KDE community this year. Read More

KDE e.V. Windows Store Statistics

Sunday, 20 December 2020 | Christoph Cullmann
The end of 2020 is nigh, let's take a look at the current statistics of all applications in the Windows Store published with the KDE e.V. account. Since the last report in August we have a newcomer: LabPlot. Last 30 days statistics Here are the number of acquisitions for the last 30 days (roughly equal to the number of installations, not mere downloads) for our applications: Okular - More than a reader - 5,293 acquisitions Read More

Kate is 20 years old!

Monday, 14 December 2020 | Christoph Cullmann
Kate just turned 20 today! As announced before, Kate turned twenty today. When did it start? Here again my initial request to the KWrite maintainer about my work on a 'MDI KWrite' later called Kate (sorry, German & spelling mistakes): From: Cullmann Christoph <> To: Subject: KWrite - Verbesserungsvorschläge Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:38:42 +0100 Hallo Ich benutze KWrite regelmässig um Quellcode zu bearbeiten und das Syntaxhighlighting ist sehr praktisch. Read More

KTextEditor - Small Things Matter - Continued

Sunday, 13 December 2020 | Christoph Cullmann
Noise inside the terminal? I more or less always start my Kate session inside a terminal, to let the project plugin auto-load the right one for the current working directory. What I ignored for a long time is the noise this produces inside the terminal. If you launch Kate or KWrite, you will often get stuff like (even for release builds): kf.sonnet.core: Unable to find any suggestion for "dummy to trigger identify" Read More

Kate is soon 20 years old!

Sunday, 8 November 2020 | Christoph Cullmann
20 years... As described here Kate will soon be twenty. My mail to the former KWrite maintainer dates back to "Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:38:42 +0100", thought I think I started earlier with actually hacking on that MDI KWrite variant. But just to have some official date, let's say Kate was born at 14th December 2000, in a bit over one month Kate will turn officially twenty ;=) Kate's state around 2000 We started off with something like below (the screenshot is a bit fresher, it's from 2001, KDE 2. Read More

Kate in the Windows Store - Current Status

Monday, 28 September 2020 | Christoph Cullmann
One year in the store Kate is now in the Windows Store since a bit over one year, our initial submission went online on September 12, 2019. The submitted installers are always taken 1:1 from our very lovely Binary Factory. They just get some test drive if they behave well and then are submitted like described here with the KDE e.V. account. Therefore the most work was done by all the people that created and keep the Craft tooling & Binary Factory working! Read More