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Kate’s Folding Code and Vi Mode to be improved by GSoC students

Monday, 23 May 2011  | Erlend Hamberg | Tags:  planet
This year’s Google Summer of Code (GSoC) has started and the Kate project has been lucky to get two students who will work on improving Kate’s folding code and Vi input mode. [][1]Adrian Adrian will work on improving the folding code which is in need of an overhaul: My name is Adrian. I’m studying in Bucharest, Romania, but my hometown is Constanta, a seaside town from Romania as well. I am a 3rd year student at “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. I have developed a passion for algorithms since High school when I participate in many programming competitions and took things to a new level during college. Read More

Kate’s Tab Bar Plugins

Monday, 25 April 2011  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet
If you check Kate’s plugin list, you will recognize that there are two different tab bar plugins available. The first one is Tabify. This plugin adds a standard KDE tab bar to the top of Kate’s main window: The plugin shows the same entries as the “Documents” tool view on the left. With drag&drop, the tabs can be moved around. In KDE SC <= 4.6.2 this plugin is called Tabify. In KDE SC >= 4.6.3 the name is simply “Tab Bar”. Read More

Kate in KDE 4.6

Wednesday, 29 December 2010  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet
Some days ago KDE 4.6 was branched. So what will Kate in KDE 4.6 bring? The new tree view as “Documents” sidebar completely replaces the old file list. It supports the simple list mode as well as a pseudo-intelligent tree view to group files. The “Documents” tab is now implemented as plugin (always loaded), meaning that it brought a code cleanup as well. We hope you like it! :) Swap file support, meaning that you can recover all your unsaved data for local files on the next Kate startup. Ability to always load plugins. New SQL Query plugin. The day we blogged about it had the most visits in the entire history. So it seems the the SQL plugin is a really nice addon for web developers! :) New GNU Debugger (GDB) Plugin! New Highlight Selected Text Plugin. Ability to add scripts to the menu and bind shortcuts. Kate got a new homepage on featuring WordPress. Lots of bugs fixed since the KDE 4.5.0 release. SmartCursors and SmartRanges are gone, resulting in more stable and clean code. MovingCursors and MovingRanges replace the old classes and work reliable. For instance, KDevelop is already ported leading to less crashes. Christoph found the emails of the early days of Kate again. A funny read! :) Daily unit test runs. We have more and more unit tests, securing the correct behavior of e.g. search&replace, the text buffer, encoding detection or indenters. Kate development mostly moved to KDE’s git infrastructure, resulting in very easy build instructions. The default settings of a session are now stored in the katerc file again, rendering the default.katesession obsolete. This means you will have to configure your default session again (sorry!). On the other hand, this fixed quite some bugs with regard to the session handling. Credit where credit is due! Read More

Highlight Selected Text

Sunday, 14 November 2010  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet
Kate has a new plugin called “Highlight Selection”. Since it is a KTextEditor plugin, it is available for all apps using KatePart (e.g.: Kile, Kate, KWrite, KDevelop etc). What does it do? If you select a whole word, all occurrences of this word are highlighted as well: You can jump to the next occurrence with ctrl+h (btw: ctrl+h works already since KDE 4.2 or so). The plugin will be included in KDE 4.6. If you can’t wait, you can use it already now by building Kate from the sources. Read More

PHP treeview improvements in Kate

Wednesday, 27 October 2010  | Emmanuel Bouthenot | Tags:  planet
Being a regular Kate user (more than half a dozen hours each day), I was not satisfied by the PHP treeview (available from the SymbolViewer plugin). As some of you have probably noticed, it is quite outdated and seems to only support the PHP4 syntax. Here is a screenshot: The recent switch of Kate to gitourious was the trigger to try compile it on my own and to dive into the source code. A few hours later, the PHP treeview was rewritten. It currently supports the PHP5 syntax (even the namespaces). Here is screenshot with the same file: I’ve submitted my patch to the Kate Team (via the mailing list) and it was kindly accepted and merged. Thanks. PS: Hi Planet KDE, this is my first post :)

Recent Files Menu in Kate

Wednesday, 27 October 2010  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet
As many other applications Kate has the menu File > Recent Files, which lists all files you recently used. This recent file list right now is per session, i.e., each session has its own entries listed as recent files. Now there is a request to change it such that there is just one single global recent file list. I think having two recent files menus (one for the session and one global) is a bad solution. Further, adding an option for that also sounds wrong. Read More

File Tree plugin and Kate in KDE SC 4.6

Wednesday, 20 October 2010  | Thomas Fjellstrom | Tags:  planet
Hi! It’s me again. Got some exciting news. The file tree is now the default (and only) document list/view widget. It actually took me by surprise. After I got the list mode and other features implemented, the old document list was unceremoniously ripped out, and extensions were added to allow kate to always load a given plugin, and give its settings tab a little more prominence. Since then however I’ve fixed a few issues regarding the settings in the plugin. The file tree settings tab now sets the plugins global settings, and will clear out the setting overrides for the current session so they will get pulled from the global settings. And I just finished up adding back the “Go” menu, and the “next” and “prev” document shortcuts. Read More

Introducing Kate GDB Plugin

Wednesday, 6 October 2010  | Kåre Särs | Tags:  planet
Have you, like me, had to switch to an external debugger or run raw gdb in the terminal plugin to debug the C/C++ application you develop with Kate? That might not be necessary any more. There is now a “GDB Plugin” in trunk that gives you the power of raw GDB with some QAction candy for the most common actions. I have always been a bit frustrated with not having a debugger directly in Kate, but too lazy/busy to start a debugger plugin project. Fortunately Ian Wakeling started this GDB plugin and got it off the ground. When I got introduced to it at Akademy, it triggered an itch in me to get this plugin into kdesdk and to add some features for the more point and click type of persons. As it seemed I had a bit more free time to spend on the plugin, Ian let me take over as maintainer. Read More

Kate Tree View Plugin Update

Sunday, 12 September 2010  | Thomas Fjellstrom | Tags:  planet
It’s me again. Given how much people seem to like the plugin, and that some would like to see this plugin replace the existing simple list view, I’ve put in a bit of work to make it so the tree view plugin replaces as much functionality of the original file list as possible. There’s now a list mode (which was surprisingly easy to do), as well as the tree mode and I’ve extended the sorting support to include all but the “custom sort order” option of the original file list (it’ll take a bit more work to support that, if its something people actually use, I just haven’t felt like doing the work to get drag and drop to work, and before now it didn’t make much sense to add). While I was at it I also added a Settings Dialog Page for the plugin. Read More

Tree View plugin introduction

Friday, 10 September 2010  | Thomas Fjellstrom | Tags:  planet
Kate has been my favorite editor for some time now. And only recently has it not been able to do something I asked it do to. I was working on a rather large project in Perl when things started getting confusing. The classic file list had 50+ files in it, some of them have the same file name, so would have (1) or (2) or even (4) after the file name, and while thats handy, it gets confusing pretty quickly. Read More