Bug Fight!
Friday, 12 August 2011
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
Lets fight the bugs (or here bugs fighting each other, from de.wikipedia).
Dominik and I did a nice bug squashing here at Berlin Desktop Summit 2011. We already met some weeks ago to hunt down bugs in Kate at Saarbrücken, but this additional time really helped a lot. The progress of the last 365 days look quiet promising.
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Kate Turning 10 Years Old
Thursday, 11 August 2011
| Dominik Haumann | Tags:
We almost missed it, but 10 years ago Kate was included in KDE’s CVS repository and shipped the first time with KDE 2.2. Details about the history can be found here. So Happy Birthday Kate! And Kate in KDE 2.2 looked like this: In comparison, Kate nowadays looks like this (KDE 4.7):
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Plasma Active, the stage is yours
Thursday, 11 August 2011
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
Thanks a lot to Intel for passing around the ExoPC at the AppUp workshop yesterday. Its kind of nice hardware to start developing for Intel based tablets, whereas for normal use, the battery life and weight is kind of problematic. I really like the idea to be able to write nice and shiny Qt applications which run both on MeeGo and Windows and the AppUp store is really open in respect to allowing distribute open source software.
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Maintainer Needed: Kate – External Tools Plugin
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
The “External Tools” plugin is one of the oldest plugins of Kate. A big hug to Anders Lund for writing it years ago, a lot of people enjoyed using it.
It allows the user to specify own commands (aka snippets of shell programs) to be executed with the text of the current document or the current file.
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GSoC – Kate Code Folding (Bug-less)
Sunday, 7 August 2011
| Adrian Lungu
Hi everyone!
Another season of Google Summer of Code is approaching its end. :(
I feel pretty bad about that, because I enjoy it and I love working on Kate.
I used the last two weeks to solve all the bugs and requests (folding related) from If you find any folded related bugs, please send the report using and I will solve them (the warranty period is unlimited, so you don’t have to worry about that ;) )
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Code Folding Updates
Sunday, 31 July 2011
| Dominik Haumann | Tags:
As you may know the Kate code folding implementation gets some love these days. The last days, several bug fixes dropped in by our GSoC student. And the good news is that if all works well, we’ll be able to backport these fixes so that the code folding is much more robust in our beloved Kate even in KDE 4.7.x. These changes probably fix several crashes that were around since 2005 as well. I believe the word we’re looking for is: owned! :-)
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Kate Vi Input Mode – GSoC 2011
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
| Svyatoslav Kuzmich | Tags:
I want to introduce you my GSoC-2011 project. I was working on improvement the vi input mode for the Kate part. There are a lot of improvements for normal mode. Now it’s able to use jump list by pressing ctrl-i/ctrl-o in normal mode like in vim. And now not only registers but also marks, and jumps stored in the config of the session. H, M and L commands moves cursor to the first(Home), Middle and Last line of the screen. To go to the any percent of the document you can use the % command by typing the number of percent(1-100) before it. gk and gj motions will make you able to go visual(display) lines up and down. It’s useful when you using line wrap.
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GSoC 2011 – Kate Code Folding – (Try Kate’s new code folding)
Sunday, 24 July 2011
| Adrian Lungu
Hi everyone!
Kate’s new code folding was merged with the master branch. :)
You can try it by yourself. If you do find any bugs, please send a bug report on KDE’s bug tracker or leave a comment here.
I will use a test unit to solve those bugs, so I will need a full backtrace and some info to help me replicate it.
Please notice that there are no new features added yet – just the basic code folding.
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Kate Modeline Editor
Saturday, 23 July 2011
| Dominik Haumann | Tags:
As you may know, Kate supports the concept of document variables, also known as modelines. In short, document variables can be used to set Kate settings local to a file. For instance, this is useful for settings specific indenter options than the ones defined in Kate’s settings dialog. Assume you work on two projects, the first indents with spaces and the second with tabs, then you can simply add a modeline that contains the specific document variables that set the specific indentation properties.
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GSoC 2011 – Kate Code Folding – week 5 (New Code Folding is taking shape)
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
| Adrian Lungu
The new code folding is taking shape. Actually it is implemented. :)
The next step will be testing it (and debugging, if necessary) and implementing some new features.
Also there are some keyboard shortcuts that didn’t worked so well on the previous version and they need to be fixed too.
If you want to help us with the testing, you can download my clone and play a little with code folding. Also, if you have some ideas about the new features that Kate’s folding should have, let me know. If it is possible and there is time, they will be implemented.
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