Kate Project Plugin News – Code Analysis
Saturday, 2 February 2013
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
The project plugin in kate.git master has now the ability to call cppcheck.
This is just hacked in at the moment and needs more love, but it works.
Feel free to contribute integration of other code checkers, cppcheck is only the first, I hope ;)
Bug Hunting – Please help poor Kate ;)
Friday, 9 November 2012
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
The Kate/KDevelop sprint in Vienna was a really productive time.
Thanks to Joseph Wenninger for organizing it and the KDE e.V. for the additional funding!
The Kate team was able to really wade through a lot of bugs & wishes and fix/invalidate a lot of them.
After some more days of work, this really is visible in our nice bug chart ;)
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Kate needs BiDi/Unicode aware developers ;)
Saturday, 3 November 2012
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
During our long bug hunting and fixing sprint I came along some nasty BiDi or Unicode related bugs.
I and most others in the Kate team are not really able to fix such issues :( We lack both the knowledge of the underlying techniques and are not able to write/read any language that really uses complex unicode chars or BiDi text.
Therefore: If you know Qt and you want to help out with fixing BiDi/Unicode related bugs, please provide patches for them in the KDE Bugzilla!
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Kate/KDevelop Sprint – Update
Thursday, 25 October 2012
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
Its nice to be here in Vienna with all the other hackers ;)
Most have already arrived and are busy fixing issues in Kate & KDevelop, some more will arrive tomorrow.
Already got bit work done on existing bugs, one bug was really nasty: a nearly 8 year old typo by myself messing around with highlighting in combination with line continuation.
But a guy did a really perfect bug report: Bug 300009
He wrote even a example highlighting file + test to trigger the issue, with that help, the fix was trivial to do, after I got time to read the bug ;)
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Kate/KDevelop Sprint in Vienna
Sunday, 21 October 2012
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
In some days our nice sprint will start, more information can be found on KDE Sprints.
I am very happy that Joseph Wenninger organizes this event and the KDE e.V. aided with additional sponsorship! Sprints are a real important thing for all KDE projects and it is nice to see that thanks to the help of the community our e.V. is able to sponsor a lot of such events.
I will head over to Vienna on Tuesday, lets see what happens during the week ;)
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Project Plugin, Current State
Monday, 20 August 2012
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
After some days of more hacking on the plugin, there current state is already nice for my daily use.
A simple file like
{ "name": "Kate" , "files": [ { "git": 1 } ] } defines already the complete project for the kate.git.
If you open any file with Kate inside your local kate.git clone (and the project plugin from master branch is loaded), Kate will auto-open the project and highlight the file you just opened there in the tree. No need to think about opening some project in the menu, just open the file you want to start working at and start. The project plugin won’t get into your way or require additional steps.
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Project Management, Take Three
Sunday, 12 August 2012
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
After bit more playing around with the project plugin, I did get aware that I am even to lazy to open project files. Normally if I need to fix something or add new features, I just go to the directory and open the source or build system files I need to work on. Therefore the project plugin now just watches which files you open and will load the corresponding project on the fly for you ;) (instead of naming your project, you create a .kateproject hidden file in the toplevel project dir, just like Git would do it with its .git directory)
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Project Management, Take Two
Monday, 6 August 2012
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
After a bit toying around, the first version of project management plugin has landed in the master branch of the kate.git.
First time I developed a new feature in a feature-clone in my scratch space on git.kde.org. Very cool, KDE sysadmins did a GREAT job with that stuff: easy to setup and use ;)
Now, people wanting to try out that, just clone our kate.git and compile the master branch.
Example project is toplevel in kate.git: kate.kateproject
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Project Management
Sunday, 5 August 2012
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
Some years ago the Kate team introduced the “Session” feature.
This allows you easily to keep around different Kate sessions for different work tasks, like coding, web design, writing, …
Whereas I used that feature a lot at start during my normal daily work, I kind of no longer used it already since some years.
For my normal work pattern: Checkout a project, fix something in it or code an extension, then hop over to the next one, the session feature doesn’t really provide the right workflow.
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Help Frameworks ;)
Thursday, 2 August 2012
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
It is easy and fun, please help to fix the remaining small things in the cleanups section of the frameworks branch.
See here:
And use the nice and complete build howto here:
And yeah, I have already stolen some really easy tasks :)
Don’t allow David to have all the fun.