QUndoStack versus Kate’s Undo System
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
| Dominik Haumann | Tags:
I’m currently using QUndoStack in a project of mine. A QUndoStack contains a list of QUndoCommands which then can be executed with QUndoStack::undo() and QUndoStack:.redo().
Now I thought when deleting an instance of the class Node, I can just hock the creation of the respective UndoDeleteNode class (derived from QUndoCommand) into the destructor, like this:
class Node { public: // ... ~Node() { undoStack()->push(new UndoDeleteNode(this)); } }; class UndoDeleteNode : public QUndoCommand { public: // ... void undo() { // create node again } void redo() { // delete node again } }; Now the problem with this code is, that executing UndoDeleteNode::redo() will delete the node through the undo/redo system. In this case, the destructor ~Node() will create another UndoDeleteNode item. So what I was looking for a way to only create the undo item when the undo/redo system is not active, i.e.:
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Akademy 2013
Thursday, 20 June 2013
| Dominik Haumann | Tags:
So Akademy 2013 is nearing and this time it takes place at Bilbao, Spain. As it happens, Bilbao is located quite near to the beach as well as very close to the mountains. So I stumbled over a page with several hiking trails starting in Bilbao ranging from easy to hard. For instance, this route starts in a nearby village and then goes from about 65 meters in height up to 1000 (this is the point where you stop to hack on KDE, of course), and then down to 30 in Bilbao again. Anyone? :-)
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How to convert pdf to svg
Saturday, 1 June 2013
| Dominik Haumann | Tags:
In a project I’m currently working on I need to display the result of TeX code. So I thought it would be nice and accurate to compile the TeX code to produce a pdf, and then use libpoppler-qt4 to draw the pdf. This works in principal, but there is a licensing problem: libpoppler is GPL, and I want to use it in a LGPL library.
So I searched the net and found dvipng, which converts a dvi file to png. It even supports transparent backgrounds. So I could convert the dvi file to png through QProcess+dvipng, and then display the png file. This works, but whenever you scale the canvas the result looks ugly since png is not a vector graphic.
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A rich python console and more in Kate editor
I have done some improvements in the plugins: python_console_ipython, python_autocomplete, python_utils, js_utils, xml_pretty and django_utils. These plugins I added a month and a half ago (except python_console_ipython) to the kate repository. I have done two improvements and a new feature:
Now they work with Python2 and Python3 (except python_autocomplete, this only works with Python2, due pysmell dependence) Now they have a configuration page (except python_autocomplete, this should not have configuration parameters)
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Google Summer of Code 2013
Sunday, 14 April 2013
| Joseph Wenninger | Tags:
If someone is interested in doing some coding for Kate-Part, Kate, KTexteditor during this years Summer of Code, just drop a proposal at the kwrite-devel mailing list for discussion.
Kate D-Bus Interfaces, used at all?
Friday, 5 April 2013
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
I just started to clean up the content of kate.git, moving things around, fixing compile warnings and similar stuff.
I stumbled over warnings in our dbus interfaces.
The main use of them is to allow Kate to reuse an existing instance for opening files and sessions. This part (e.g. the interface of the application object itself) works fine and is needed.
But all other interfaces, like the ones for docmanager, mainwindows, … are mostly non-existant or not implemented. I now play with the idea of just removing the nearly empty skeleton implementations, as it seems nobody missed them during the complete 4.x series.
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New Text Folding in kate.git master
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
In the kate.git master branch the text folding is now new and shiny.
In addition to be faster and less memory hungry (no folding tree is around if you fold nothing, it is only created on-demand exactly for the folded regions), the new code is less complex and smaller (and hopefully better documented + unit tested, it actually has a test for most internal operations).
There is actually now a clean separation, the folding does not mix with highlighting and can be used without it, too.
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Text Folding Reloaded
Sunday, 24 March 2013
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
If we look at the incoming bug reports, a lot still seem to be located in our code folding implementation.
The problem of the current code folding code, even after the GSoC rewrite of large parts, is that it is inter weaved with the syntax highlighting engine.
During highlighting, we try to build up some tree containing all folding start/ends. To accommodate languages that have indentation based folding like Python, we started to fake such starts/ends which are normally tokens like { or }. As these tree can be unbalanced and contain overlapping regions, the implementation is quiet complex.
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Kate Git Statistics
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
Now the statistics of the kate.git are online for public viewing.
They will be updated daily, located on: /stats/
Unfortunately, the statistics of the last years are not that “representative”, as the moves of Kate around in SVN and to Git biased the statistics, as I did a lot of the commits for syncing and moving and so on.
Still it is amazing how MANY people did contribute during Kate’s history! (see Kate Authors)
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New plugins to the Kate, utils to: Python, JavaScript, Django and XML
The project plugin in kate.git master now has four new more plugins, with many features in each one: Python (autocomplete, smart snippets, parse checker, pep8 checker and pyflakes checker), Javascript (autocompletes, jquery snippet, pretty JSON, and jslint checker), Django (smart snippets and utils to Django template) and XML (pretty xml). There are also many generic functions and generic classes in these that will be useful to the new plugins developers.
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