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Kate5 on Windows

Sunday, 30 November 2014  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet
Here it goes, Kate5 running on Windows:Kate5 on Windows with Missing Icons and Bad FontThis is an early version of Kate5 on Windows. It runs just fine but has some glitches, such as the white lines between selected text lines, or wrong margins in the search&replace bar, or showing a ‘+1’ in the top right corner, although all documents are visible. Read More

Kate’s Mascot: Kate the Woodpecker

Sunday, 12 October 2014  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet

2021 Update: Kate's current mascot is Kate the Cyber Woodpecker, a refreshed version of the mascot introduced in this post.

After the first KF 5 release, I contacted the creator of the Krita mascot Kiki and the KF 5  dragons artwork, Tyson Tan, if he would be interested in design a Kate mascot, too. He immediately agreed to help out and after some months of roundtrips, here we go!

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Kate needs you!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet

The next major step in Kate’s evolution is close: Kate based on KDE Frameworks 5.

Whereas it already works well enough for me (and others), it would be nice to clear out as many issues as possible before we have our first official KF 5 based release.

Our Bugzilla is full with smaller and larger Kate/KTextEditor (aka KatePart) issues, see:

Whereas Kate/KTextEditor has people working on it and continue to improve it over time, we don’t have enough people to keep track and care for all our reported bugs/wishs.

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Akademy 2014 – Soon ;=)

Monday, 1 September 2014  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet

Only some days until the yearly Akademy starts.

Its a real great thing to get known to other KDE/Qt contributors and meet old and new friends.

Already amazed, lets hope the airlines don’t go on strike during my travel :=)

See you all there, lets have fun & be productive! Already now thanks to all people that help to organize this cool event and all our sponsors!

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Kate “master” branch now KF5 based!

Thursday, 24 July 2014  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet


from today on, the master branch of kate.git is KF5 based.

That means, for the next KDE applications release after 4.14, Kate will use the awesome KF5 stuff!

The KTextEditor framework is already in a good shape and most active KatePart development is since months pure KF5 based.

The same should now be true for Kate itself (and KWrite).

Pâté will need a lot of love, as PyQt5 is there, but PyKDE5/PyKF5 still in the works.

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Help to make KF5 awesome!

Monday, 2 June 2014  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet

You like KDE software?

You like to have a polished and nice KDE Frameworks 5 release?

But you can’t help out yourself by coding, translating, bug finding, designing, documenting and whatever?

=> Feel free to fund our Randa Meetings 2014.

Perhaps it feels strange that a free/open source project wants money, but sprints & meetings are not for free, given you need to pay for the accommodations, travel, rooms for hacking, …

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Linux Voice – Kate wins the advanced text editors group test

Monday, 21 April 2014  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet

Happy news arrived on the kwrite-devel mailing list with this post before Easter ;)

Kate has won the advanced text editor comparison in the Linux Voice magazine – Issue 2, yeah ;)

Nice to see that our work on Kate is awarded.

About Linux Voice: Seems to be some pretty new magazine about Linux & Open Source (Issue 2 says it all) and they promise to give 50% of their profit back to the Free Software community, developers and events. Hope that works out, it is a nice goal.

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Kate: What’s cool, and what should be improved?

Tuesday, 18 March 2014  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet

This is sort of a poll: Please write in the comments below exactly

  • one line about what you like on Kate, and
  • one line what you want improved.

Please spread the word so we get a lot of feedback – Thanks! :-)

Coming in 4.13: Improvements in the build plugin

Sunday, 16 March 2014  | Alexander Neundorf

Kate comes with a build plugin, which supports running make, or ninja,  or actually any arbitrary command directly from within Kate. This is obvisouly  useful when using Kate as development editor, and this plugin has seen several improvements for the 4.13 release.

A small change, but for affected developers a major improvement, is that Kate  can now parse warning and error messages from the Intel compilers, icpc and icc.
So for those of you using icpc, Kate can now automatically jump to the line of code which caused the error. Actually you don’t have to wait for 4.13 for this, it is already available since 4.12.3.

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Kate/KDevelop Sprint – Finishing Line

Saturday, 25 January 2014  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet

Saturday most Kate developers will depart, therefore now the most work has been finalized (or at least brought to some intermediate state that works OK).

Below, the mandatory screenshot, Kate started without any configuration set in the framework branch, new and shiny:

KF5 Kate after SprintFind the differences :P

And one screenshot with some files open:

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