Using the Projects Plugin in Kate
Friday, 2 November 2012
| Dominik Haumann | Tags:
Update (2014-10-18): Auto-Loading Projects in Kate 5
Introducing the Projects Plugin for KDE SC 4.10 The basic idea of the Projects plugin is to have a structured list of files belonging to the project with the following properties:
provide a structured view of the files make it easy and very fast to open and switch projects support search & replace for a project provide simple auto completion make it simple to quickly open files in the project support for building the project We’re going to address all these points now.
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Kate/KDevelop Sprint – Update
Thursday, 25 October 2012
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
Its nice to be here in Vienna with all the other hackers ;)
Most have already arrived and are busy fixing issues in Kate & KDevelop, some more will arrive tomorrow.
Already got bit work done on existing bugs, one bug was really nasty: a nearly 8 year old typo by myself messing around with highlighting in combination with line continuation.
But a guy did a really perfect bug report: Bug 300009
He wrote even a example highlighting file + test to trigger the issue, with that help, the fix was trivial to do, after I got time to read the bug ;)
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Kate/KDevelop Sprint in Vienna
Sunday, 21 October 2012
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
In some days our nice sprint will start, more information can be found on KDE Sprints.
I am very happy that Joseph Wenninger organizes this event and the KDE e.V. aided with additional sponsorship! Sprints are a real important thing for all KDE projects and it is nice to see that thanks to the help of the community our e.V. is able to sponsor a lot of such events.
I will head over to Vienna on Tuesday, lets see what happens during the week ;)
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Akademy 2012 – See you in Tallinn ;)
Monday, 25 June 2012
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
One year more passed and the next Akademy will soon open its doors.
Was never before in Tallinn or Estonia, will be an interesting visit.
Hope to meet again a lot of old and new KDE people.
Didn’t code a lot at all since last years meeting, too busy to finalize my phd thesis.
Hope to get more time for Kate in the next months again ;) And at the meeting.
Akademy 2012 – We are on the way! (soon)
Sunday, 26 February 2012
| Christoph Cullmann
Perhaps a bit early, but typical german, me and Dominik booked our flights to Tallinn.
Lets hope we will have a lot fun there and meet old and new friends ;)
See you all, at Tallinn.
Kate in Berlin
Monday, 15 August 2011
| Dominik Haumann | Tags:
Just as proof that we really were at the desktop summit in Berlin: We Kate developers sat one evening together for dinner. From left to right: Kate’s plugin master, the Holy Belliness, KDevelop, Gnome, Kate Finder, Kate Vi Mode, Kate Snippets (and myself not visible, taking the photo) :-)
Going to the Desktop Summit 2011 in Berlin :)
Saturday, 25 June 2011
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
Just a quick “me too” post, will be around in Berlin ;)
<p> Hope to meet up with a lot of KDE people once more.<br /> For the Kate team, at least me, Dominik and Erlend are around there.</td> <td> <img src="/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/DS2011banner.png" alt="Going to Desktop Summit 2011" /> </td></tr> </table>
The Holy Church of Kate!
Friday, 16 July 2010
| Dominik Haumann | Tags:
Last year we already discovered that Kate is truly the only holy text editor* (again thanks to rms for making us aware of it)! (and btw, xkcd is totally wrong). And now we even have yet another proof: The holy Kate maintainer and the naked woman! Enjoy :-)
(*) this is an insider from the joint KDE and Gnome conference (gcds) in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, 2009.
Akademy 2010 – Best experience so far
Sunday, 11 July 2010
| dianat | Tags:
My first Akademy was the greatest thing I’ve ever experienced. I remember I was quite unsure a month ago, wheter to come or not, but finally decided and booked my flight and hotel. In my first day, I was very shy and didn’t know what to do, but people came and talked to me and everything got better. The talks had very interesting topics and the speakers did their job professionally. I also want to congratulate the organization team, for making everything happen as scheduled.
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Enjoying Tampere
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
| Dominik Haumann
As always, the KDE conference has its funny sides, as you can see on the photo: 4 Kate developers shaping the future of the (as you all know) most awesome application: Kate :-)