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Kate gains Support for Inline Notes

Friday, 17 August 2018  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet
Thanks to Michal Srb and Sven Brauch for pioneering the work an a new KTextEditor interface that allows applications like Kate, KDevelop, etc. to display inline notes in a text document. As demo, we quickly prototyped one application to display colors in CSS documents: Clicking on the color rectangle will launch the color chooser: Choosing a color and clicking OK finally adapts the color in the CSS document: Read More

Akademy 2018 Wrap-Up

Friday, 17 August 2018  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet
The Akademy 2018 ends today. Like each Akademy I attended, it was an interesting experience. As the location switches around each year, so does the set of people attending change every year, too. That is actually nice, as you get always to meet some of your old “friends” but additionally new members of the KDE community. I think this kind of “conferences” or “meetings” are an important way to get some more cohesion in the community, which is sometimes a bit lacking between people only meeting online via mail/… Read More

Akademy & Binary Factory

Thursday, 16 August 2018  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet
During Akademy it was brought to my (and the other Kate developers) attention, that we should take a closer look on the Binary Factory for KDE. There were some blogs about the Binary Factory in the past but we somehow never really linked it on our homepage as potential source for up-to-date installers for the different operating systems. I feel a bit sorry for neglecting that area in the past year. Therefore, as we have now some time during Akademy together as team, we did take a look at the current state of the installers there for Windows and macOS. Read More

Porting KTextEditor to KSyntaxHighlighting => Done :=)

Tuesday, 14 August 2018  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet
During Akademy there was finally enough time to finalize the porting of KTextEditor to KSyntaxHighlighting. Thanks to the help of Dominik and Volker, the needed extensions to the KSyntaxHighlighting framework were done in no time ;=) Thanks for that! The branch for the integration was merged to master yesterday, unit tests look OK and I am using that state now for my normal coding work. Beside minor glitches that should now be corrected, no issues came up until now. Read More

Going to Akademy, too ;)

Tuesday, 31 July 2018  | Christoph Cullmann
Like Dominik, I will be around the whole Akademy, too. Looking forward to see new and old friends, lets have a productive week there!

Going to Akademy

Saturday, 28 July 2018  | Dominik Haumann
Of course, I am going to Akademy. I’ll be there from Friday 10th to Saturday 18th. See you! :-)

Embedded Notifications for Externally Modified Files

Wednesday, 7 September 2016  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet
In the past, KTextEditor notified the user about externally modified files with a modal dialog. Many users were annoyed by this behavior. Starting with KDE Frameworks 5.27, KTextEditor will show an embedded widget for external changes, see:

Kate & Akademy Awards 2016

Wednesday, 7 September 2016  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet
Dominik and me got the Akademy 2016 Award for our work on Kate and KTextEditor. I want to pass that on to all other contributors of both the application and the framework: You all rock and people seem to appreciate our work! Lets keep on improving our stuff and providing people with a very usable editor and editor component for various use cases. Read More

Akademy 2016

Thursday, 1 September 2016  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet
Arrived at Berlin for Akademy/QtCon 2016, too ;=) Already met some other KDE & Kate people, lets see how the week goes.

KTextEditor gets Scrollbar and Code Folding Preview (Updated)

Sunday, 19 June 2016  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet  sprint
The KTextEditor Framework just got a new features for the next KDE Frameworks 5.24 release: A Text Preview on the vertical scrollbar. If enabled in the options, the KTextEditor now shows a preview of the text when the mouse hovers over the scrollbar. The feature is available both when the minimap is used and also when the standard scrollbar is used. The text preview is only visible when vertical scrolling is possible. Read More