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Alpha Kate & KWrite Application Bundles

Wednesday, 21 October 2015  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet
Hi, with my latest changes in kate.git, icons work, too, on windows and mac, without any qt patch, if you put some qt resource file containing breeze inside your share or Resources folder (one up from the application binary). mac.txt contains the rcc calls needed to create such a package and all others things you need to run to get .dmg files. (you need Qt 5.5.0 + a recent CMake + XCode with command line stuff enabled) Read More

KWrite on Mac – Application Bundle

Monday, 19 October 2015  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet
Hi, after one week of patching frameworks (and KWrite/Kate), the first success can be seen: a kind of working application bundle for KWrite. Still no icons, need to set icon theme + search paths right and bundle that, too, but need to investigate more how the icon lookup works. You can build the stuff on your own just following kate.git/mac.txt and calling once the macdeployqt tool afterwards on the /Applications/KDE/ bundle (with -dmg to get the disk image file). Read More

Kate on Mac, HiDPI

Wednesday, 14 October 2015  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet
Kate runs ;=) But as you can see, we have no icons, but that is as no work was invested into it and not even any icons are installed ;=) I will maintain a guide how to build it on mac in the kate.git/mac.txt file. At the moment, this is all not that nice. Kate is able to open files via file dialog and it renders OK, modulo some glitches. Read More

KWrite on Mac

Monday, 12 October 2015  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet
After some hacking on frameworks, I have the first running KWrite version on Mac that uses an unpatched Qt from the offline installer: It is still ugly, as scaled on my HiDPI display as the plist file is missing and it crashs on everything (aka open dialog) and has no icons. But beside that, it works. Read More

Kate/KDevelop Sprint 2015 – Summary for Kate

Sunday, 11 October 2015  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet
The end of the joint Kate/KDevelop Sprint 2015 is coming closer, half of the people already have left to get home. It was a good thing to have this sprint sponsored by the KDE e.V. and organized by Milian Wolff directly after the Qt World Summit 2015 here in Berlin. I think that made it easier for people to attend both events, like myself ;=) I came to the sprint to work on getting our bugs sorted and fixed and to improve the state of the Mac port. I must confess, the bug fixing session worked out well, but I didn’t take a shot at Mac at all. Read More

Qt World Summit + Kate/KDevelop Sprint in Berlin

Friday, 9 October 2015  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet
This week is really busy, first three days of Qt World Summit and now hacking away at the Kate/KDevelop sprint in Berlin. This year my personal goal will be to get our bugs & wishes back into shape. One major decision I as the maintainer did take was to close all wishes that not got changed since two years. Our team is very small and we have plenty of real bugs to take care of (and their number is rising) such that we will never be able to implement random requests. Read More

Again about Relicensing KDE’s Source Code

Sunday, 9 August 2015  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet
To get started with KDE development, newcomers usually first sent patches. Having sent several patches, the newcomers are typically encouraged by us (the reviewers) to apply for a KDE contributor account. This application includes the question of “who encouraged you to apply for a KDE contributor account”. Then, the KDE sysadmins contact the mentioned developers to make sure the application is valid and trustworthy. Hence, you, as someone who encouraged others to apply for an account, get a mail with the subject “Developer account application approval […]”. Read More

Plasma 5: Keeping an Eye on the Disk Quota

Sunday, 2 August 2015  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet
At this year’s KDE conference Akademy, I was working on a small plasmoid to continuously track the disk quota. The disk quota is usually used in enterprise installations where network shares are mounted locally. Typically, sysadmins want to avoid that users copy lots of data into their folders, and therefor set quotas (the quota limit has nothing to do with the physical size of a partition). Typically, once a user gets over the hard limit of the quota, the account is blocked and the user cannot login anymore. This happens from time to time, since the users are not really aware of the current quota limit and the already used disk space. Read More

Akademy 2015 & Kate

Friday, 31 July 2015  | Christoph Cullmann | Tags:  planet
Today, I will travel back home from Akademy 2015. I must say, it was really a nice KDE meeting and I had a lot of fun ;=) The first day the KDE e.V. general assembly did take place, then two days of actually interesting talks (including the great announcement of Plasma Mobile). After some more days with interesting BoFs and hacking, Akademy is now ending for me. I didn’t do that much work on Kate, I mostly did small bugfixes for the applications bundled with the KDE Applications releases regarding their HiDPI support, finally no Konsole that can’t redraw correctly on scrolling on a HiDPI screen with scaling activated! Read More

Licensing of KDE Code

Sunday, 26 July 2015  | Dominik Haumann | Tags:  planet
Akademy, the yearly KDE conference is alive and kicking. During the last days we were discussing again about potential KDE licensing issues (for instance code that is licensed under GPLv2, but not GPLv3). That’s why KDE is maintaining a relicense checker script, that every KDE contributor should enter herself/himself. I’ve blogged about it already in January 2015, but it cannot hurt to repeat it from time to time: From the KDE relicensing page: Read More