Common Updates
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
After adding the new design to the Kate homepage, I got some feedback about broken fonts and other stuff. Most should be fixed now, e.g. the “The Team” page now looks kind of okay again.
In addition, we now have some nice feed display with the latest commits and overall a bit cleanup page. For mobile devices, like my Android phone, we now have WPtouch installed, which provides some rather nice layout for small screens (but allows easy switch back to normal layout, too).
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Kate needs a Face, Artists wanted
Monday, 15 August 2011
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
2021 Update: Kate's current mascot is Kate the Cyber Woodpecker.
Kate’s icon is quiet nice, but for our website and other stuff, it would be really cool to have some eye catcher and something to know: yeah, that is Kate :)
As Kate is obviously a woman, at least in most languages, it would be quiet nice if some artist could come up with a painted or rendered one to put on our page.
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Good Morning Kate – New Day, New Design
Monday, 15 August 2011
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
Kate has since more than one year a new WordPress powered site. During last years Akademy, Dominik and I installed it and filled it with first life.
It replaced the old Drupal powered site, that Anders did set up years ago. Thanks again to Anders here, for the work he did on the old page. But since the day Anders didn’t have that much time any more for Kate development, it somehow lost its drive (as Dominik an I are not at all capable to work with Drupal, whereas Anders really was an well practiced Drupal admininstrator). The current WordPress site is much more usable for us, as we know WordPress much better than Drupal. The initial import of the content of the old Drupal page was kind of painful, but most stuff was moved over even during Akademy, just some outdated howtos and faqs got purged.
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200 Bugs only ;)
Sunday, 14 August 2011
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
Kate (App + Part + KWrite) is down to 200 bugs, thanks a lot to all people helping with this effort, e.g. Dominik, Erlend, Adrian, …
Perhaps others want to join, we have still a lot bugs and many are quiet some work (and stuff like BiDi errors are not that nice to fix, if you have actually no clue about the used languages :/)
Added “gq” (format text) command for the Vi Input Mode
Friday, 12 August 2011
| Erlend Hamberg | Tags:
vi input mode
It’s been a nice week here in Berlin at the Desktop summit. I have even got some coding done. A command I often missed from Vim was the gq command that re-formats text based on your text width setting. For example, if you want to stick to a sixty-columns layout, you often have to re-format the text when adding or removing something, like in this screenshot where some text has been surrounded by HTML tags:
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Bug Fight!
Friday, 12 August 2011
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
Lets fight the bugs (or here bugs fighting each other, from de.wikipedia).
Dominik and I did a nice bug squashing here at Berlin Desktop Summit 2011. We already met some weeks ago to hunt down bugs in Kate at Saarbrücken, but this additional time really helped a lot. The progress of the last 365 days look quiet promising.
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Kate Turning 10 Years Old
Thursday, 11 August 2011
| Dominik Haumann | Tags:
We almost missed it, but 10 years ago Kate was included in KDE’s CVS repository and shipped the first time with KDE 2.2. Details about the history can be found here. So Happy Birthday Kate! And Kate in KDE 2.2 looked like this: In comparison, Kate nowadays looks like this (KDE 4.7):
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Plasma Active, the stage is yours
Thursday, 11 August 2011
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
Thanks a lot to Intel for passing around the ExoPC at the AppUp workshop yesterday. Its kind of nice hardware to start developing for Intel based tablets, whereas for normal use, the battery life and weight is kind of problematic. I really like the idea to be able to write nice and shiny Qt applications which run both on MeeGo and Windows and the AppUp store is really open in respect to allowing distribute open source software.
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Maintainer Needed: Kate – External Tools Plugin
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
| Christoph Cullmann | Tags:
The “External Tools” plugin is one of the oldest plugins of Kate. A big hug to Anders Lund for writing it years ago, a lot of people enjoyed using it.
It allows the user to specify own commands (aka snippets of shell programs) to be executed with the text of the current document or the current file.
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GSoC – Kate Code Folding (some more details about folding)
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
| Adrian Lungu
Yesterday I received a comment on my previous blog post that it would be nice to give some more technical details about the folding.
Initially, this was a comment response, but because it proved to be pretty interesting and more of you read the articles than the comments, I decided to post it as an article :)
Here are some details that you could find interesting:
Kate’s folding is based on a real / virtual line system. All the folded block’s lines have the same virtual line (they are literally folded under the first block’s line).
But how are these blocks defined?
Kate uses the file extension to determine what defines a block (special characters like “{“ or “}”, text alignment and so on). Kate’s highlight sends some info about these to Kate’s code folding. Let’s call them “document’s anchors”. This info is rudimentary. It is mentioned only the type of anchor (encoded as a number greater than 0 if it is a start anchor and lower than 0 if it is an end anchor) and its position in the document (real position). I use this info to build the “folding nodes” (I will detail them later) and to keep their position updated as well. So, here we have the first data structure: the “line mapping”. Line mapping is a QMap <line_number, QVector > and contains an entry for each document line that has at least one anchor I was talking about earlier. If this structure is updated correctly, then I am sure that all the folding nodes have their position set correctly and I don’t need to worry about that.
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