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Kate 16.04 on Windows (64bit)

Friday, 29 April 2016  |  Dominik Haumann

Tags:  planet

NOTE: Please refer to Get It for up-to-date Windows versions

It seems the Kate Alpha Release in January was well received by some users. So we are happy to announce that we are releasing an updated Windows installer for Kate (64bit) today. Essentially, this is the same version that is shipped with the KDE Applications 16.04 release under Linux.

  • Kate-setup-16.04.1-64bit.exe (64bit) installer, compiled on Windows 10
  • If you have git in your PATH, then the Kate Projects plugin will work as expected.
  • As mentioned in the previous post, you may want to also install D-Bus for Windows, so that all documents opened use the same Kate instance.
  • You can compile Kate yourself with Visual Studio 2015 community edition by following the steps in kate-windows.git. For me, a few tweaks were necessary, though: If some modules do not compile, just run the cmake build command again (and again). The “NMake Makefiles JOM” do not work for me, I had to use “Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64” generator. You can start the Visual Studio with `devenv KateOnWindows.sln`. If you have further questions, please contact us on the mailing list.

Screenshot of running Kate under Windows 10:

Kate on Windows 10If you want to contribute or have questions, please contact the Kate developers on (subscribe). Also, you can sometimes reach us via IRC on in the channel #kate.

Further, if you want to support Kate and the KDE project in general, it is very much appreciated if you donate to the KDE e.V., KDE’s support organization – thank you! :-)