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Bug Hunting – Please help poor Kate ;)

Friday, 9 November 2012  |  Christoph Cullmann

Tags:  planet

The Kate/KDevelop sprint in Vienna was a really productive time.

Thanks to Joseph Wenninger for organizing it and the KDE e.V. for the additional funding!

The Kate team was able to really wade through a lot of bugs & wishes and fix/invalidate a lot of them.

After some more days of work, this really is visible in our nice bug chart ;)

Kate, KatePart & KWrite are now down to a bug level as low as years ago ;)

Still, there is a lot to do.

If you have some spare time and Qt/KDE knowledge, please help us to have an even better KDE 4.10 release and look at the remaining bugs.

We have the following ~60 bugs and ~330 wishes still around. They vary from small stuff to “a lot” of work. If you want to help out, just pick the bug you want to work on and assign it ;)