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Evolution of Kate Development (Take 2)

Sunday, 6 November 2011  |  Christoph Cullmann

Tags:  planet

Dominik’s video is cool, but we agreed that perhaps the names should be around and we can have a bit higher resolution to make them readable ;)
Therefore here is a second take of the video, this time with names and 720p. (I have no luck with music, therefore, silence)

You only get to see the video if you visit our blog page here.
Direct HD link to YouTube here.

Command to create it (if YouTube eats it):

gource --multi-sampling --seconds-per-day 0.02 --auto-skip-seconds 0.1 --camera-mode track --stop-at-end -b 000000 --hide filenames,dirnames --disable-progress --date-format “%Y-%m” --viewport 1280x720 --output-ppm-stream - -r 60 | ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -vcodec libvpx -b 10000K -threads 4 kate-gource.webm