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Line Modification System

Tuesday, 6 September 2011  |  Christoph Cullmann

Tags:  planet

Some days ago, Dominik implemented a line modification system in the KatePart.
For all who don’t know what that means at all (like me before the DS 2011), here some screenshots.

First, starting with a fresh loaded file:

Now, lets write some lines:

Next, after saving:

Now, lets change some stuff again:

Awesome :)

First I thought: Why to hell do I need such a feature? But after using it some days now, I think it is really VERY useful.

Yesterday I worked in parallel on code that generates integer linear programs as CPLEX files and read the output files (which are > 100000 lines) to find regressions.
I had to manually tweak the ILP files a bit to reveal the reason of my issues and it was just cool to exactly know even after save, which lines in the ILP I touched.
Normally I would have written some comments like \changed… above my modified lines in the output files, but yeah, KatePart does track such stuff now automatically ;)

Even for the much less big source files, it was nice to see:
Oh, I just tweaked that few C++ lines and it did remove the issue, maybe I should look at the lines below/above of that lines, too, for more possible problems?

Therefor: Thanks to Dominik for this nifty feature, I hope others appreciate it, too!

If you want this feature now: Use the guide at’s Get It!.