Coding Style and API Design
Once in a while, there are really interesting blogs, presentations and reports about how to do things right as software developer. This is a quick list of links about API design and coding style:
- Designing Qt-Style C++ APIs (Qt4), by Matthias Ettrich, 2005
- API Design Principles, extended version of (1), Qt Developer Network (Nokia)
- The Little Manual of API Design, an in-depth summary of (1) and (2), Jasmin Blanchette, 2008 (Nokia)
- Developing Quality Libraries, presentation of (1)-(3) on the Desktop Summit in Gran Canaria, Oliver Goffart, 2009
- How to Design a Good API and Why It Matters, Joshua Bloch, 2007 (Google)
- Qt Coding Style, good coding style not limited to Qt, Qt Developer Network (Nokia)
- Guidelines for KDE Development, similar to e.g. (6), KDE Techbase
- Hall of API Shame: Boolean Trap, Ariya Hidayat, 2011
Thanks to all the authors for sharing & happy reading!