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Kate plugin updates part 3

Tuesday, 28 June 2011  |  Kåre Särs

Tags:  planet

Well I’m not sure this really qualifies as an update, because it is actually a new plugin. And the plugin I’m talking about is the Search plugin. This is going to be mostly a series of screen-shots.
The first shot contains the “new” feature differentiating itself from the other one. You can now select to search in the currently open files. This is especially good if you are working on files on a remote server.


The “Find in files” plugin opens new searches in new toolviews while this one has a button for adding new tabs if you want to save the old search.



Of course you can also search in a folder as before :) When you select to search in a folder the folder searching specific options are displayed. Those options can also be toggled with the rightmost tool-button.



And the final screen-shot is to show that it is possible to use regular expressions.


The “Replace” feature is not yet implemented, but who knows ;) Ideas for a UI are welcome.
And that was it for this time. I hope you like the updates :)