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Kate linter plugin

Thursday, 15 January 2009  |  Milian Wolff

Just a quicky: I wrote a little plugin for KTextEditor which supplies you with basic error checking when you save documents. Currently only PHP (via php <span class="re5">-l</span>) and JavaScript (via JavaScript Lint) are supported.

  • usual tools for compiling C++, e.g. gcc.
  • cmake
  • Qt development packages, i.e. under Ubuntu: <span class="kw2">sudo</span> <span class="kw2">aptitude</span> <span class="kw2">install</span> libqt4-dev
  • KDE 4.2 with development packages for kdelibs and kdebase, i.e. under Ubuntu: <span class="kw2">sudo</span> <span class="kw2">aptitude</span> <span class="kw2">install</span> kdebase-dev kdebase-workspace-dev kdelibs5-dev. Note: You’ll need the experimental KDE 4.2 packages activated as of now, see for example the Kubuntu news on KDE 4.2 RC1 for hints.
  • proper setup of environment variables, read this techbase article for more information. the .bashrc linked there should be enough for most people
  • For PHP support: a PHP executable which supports the -l switch for linting
  • For JavaScript support: a JavaScript Lint executable, you could download and compile the sources for example.

Get the sources for the linter plugin from KDE SVN and compile it, using e.g. the functions supplied via the .bashrc mentioned above:

  1. # go to your development folder
  2. cs
  3. # checkout sources
  4. svn co svn://
  5. cd kte_linter
  6. # build base linter plugin
  7. cd linter
  8. cmakekde
  9. # build php linter plugin
  10. cd ../phplinter
  11. cmakekde
  12. # build javascript linter plugin
  13. cd ../jslinter
  14. cmakekde
  15. # update sycoca
  16. kbuildsycoca4
  17. # start editor and select the plugins - happy coding!
  18. kwrite
  • Support for more languages

    If you know good linters drop me a note. But it would be even better if you could write your own linter plugin. It’s pretty easy, take a look at one of the existing plugins for a skeleton & documentation.

  • Right now each plugin returns a hardcoded list of highlighting-modes which it supports for linting. This should be made configurable so that custom highlighting modes are supported

  • make error messages more pretty

Happy coding!