Akademy 08: Kate Flashback
This Akademy’s Kate changes include
- fix: drag & drop of text
- code completion: only show group header if the group name is not empty
- reintroduction of buffer blocks in Kate’s document buffer (one buffer contains up to 4096 lines). The blocks build a linked list. Editing a 500 MB file kind of works now again. It’s still rather slow, though.
- more speedup in Kate’s document buffer
- Kate is using KEncodingProber instead of KEncodingDetector now
- generate internal version of KatePart automatically, so developers don’t have to adapt it manually each release
- python encoding detection plugin that warns if encoding is not correct while saving
- new plugin: Backtrace browser, mainly for developers
- find in files: several speed optimizations
- find in files: progress indicator while search is active
- find in files: redesign of workflow. Search happens with non-modal dialog and results are shown in toolviews.
- lots of vi mode changes
- lots of bugs closed, mainly old ones
- some real bug fixes…
- things I forgot